
24 June 2018

My thought for the day...

...comes from Proverbs 16:18

"Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall."

I have had to watch myself constantly and yet I am still prone to make mistakes.
This is Ed Nef with a view from the Farrwest.

22 June 2018

I tried to take a survey today

in fact I have taken a lot of surveys and some are better than others and some are just plain bad.  Part of playing in Swagbucks land is the opportunity to see a lot of surveys and you quickly get a sense of why we get what we get from marketers and admen.  They just don't get it.  They are looking for what they want to hear from those they want to hear it from.  Anything outside of that is beyond their ability to care.  It is like politicians taking a poll to find out how many people agree with them on how wonderful they are, the rest don't matter.

Lately I have been in the uninviable position of becoming a member of the demographics that are not considered hip, trendy, or spend worthy.  I have been disqualified from more surveys than I get to complete.  Even when I do qualify, it seems the questions are irrelevant and there is seldom any places to give them real and honest feedback.  Therefore, I had enough of not being taken seriously and had reached a point of no longer being able to be serious.  Was this wrong?

I am afraid it was the best response I could come up with at the moment.  I think I got disqualified again.  No, not because of this answer but for something much more trivial I'm sure.

This is Ed Nef with a view from the Farrwest.