...in his heart so is he." A quote taken from an essay written by James Allen and published in 1902.
How powerful is this simple phrase.
If you want to be, whatever it is you want to be, the first thing that precedes it is a thought. That thought is followed by other similar thoughts which will soon be followed by action, and action is the source of becoming.
"Sow a thought and you reap an action; sow and act and you reap a habit; sow a habit and you reap a character; sow a character and you reap a destiny." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson.
If you want to be a positive person, think positive thoughts, do positive things, and become a positive person. It really is that simple.
I have read somewhere that all it takes to be an optimist or to be a pessimist is to have one more thought one way versus the other.
Just one thought makes all the difference.
Want to know how to add power to this new knowledge? Here it is...
You have the power of choice. You choose. You make the difference.
Decide today that you can be that person you want to be, then do it.
If you decide to take up the challenge, and I hope you do, realize that it isn't always easy, especially if you have allowed yourself to be programmed with negative self talk and negative automatic responses, but I promise you this...YOU CAN DO IT. You have to actively reprogram your thoughts to be positive and you have to actively reprogram your automatic responses to be positive. If your thoughts start going the wrong way, recognize it for what it is, faulty programming. Purposefully stop those thoughts cold in their tracks and forcefully replace them only with the positive thoughts that you decide are the only ones worthy of your attention.
You may not be able to control all that goes on outside you and around you, but your head is your own so own your thoughts. You have it within you, I know it. No need to wait. Start being who you are meant to be today. You know what a better you is, and if you need someones permission I give you permission to be the better you. You are worth it.
This is Ed Nef with a view from the Farrwest.
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