
19 September 2015

See anything funny this week?

So I didn't watch the 'debate' this week, other than a few of the sound bites and news clips that were floating around.  I admit it, my interest has waned already and sleep seemed like a better option.  Upon reflection I was right.

By the way, the reason I put debate in quotes is because there have been no debates as of yet.  Honestly, Fox and CNN hosted a get together for tea and biscuits without the tea and biscuits.

The Fox debate was more about directed softballs for the candidates to address their talking points or counter a criticism about individual items of each candidate but was only addressed by one maybe two candidates at best, so where is the debate.

CNN on the other hand was just trying to start fights between the candidates rather than picking an issue and allowing all the candidates to make their comments.  Entertaining maybe but useful, not so much.

Overall the sound bites reported on were weak.  The media is trying so hard to make something out of nothing.  They have to because it is still too early in the season for them to let the average Joe/Jane lose interest and therefore risk losing ratings.  In this day and age, short attention spans reign and they are going to have a tough job ahead of them.  (They are good at it, I mean, they have kept 'Two Broke Girls' on the air for more then three episodes and I still don't see how that happened.  Maybe I put too much faith in 'we the people'.)

Short Takes:
Lindsey Graham sit down and shut up.  You are not funny and you are part of the reason we are in this mess.  You have been in Congress since 1993 and your name is not associated with the best of legislation to come out of Washington.  Too bad Rick Perry beat you to being the first to step down from this years election so you will have to be an also ran there as well.

Carly Fiorina is a republican woman running for president.  Other than that I got nothing, kinda like the democrat front runner.  I am currently sitting next to a desktop HP computer that is on an extended downtime again (I've lost count how many this makes now).  It is an older box probably from your era.  I have had HP printer fun also.  I am not impressed with the way you ran HP and at your level you can't just blame it on the economy (no wait, that is what the last four presidents have done...maybe you are candidate worthy).  Sadly no one can figure out how to pronounce your name, including myself which cuts your chances in half.  (That may also be why I like Cream of Wheat.)

Jeb Bush had a large automatic following from day one, I can't figure out why.  He finally has a chance to express himself and convey his message.  Jeb Bush still has a large following.  I still can't figure out why.

And then there is Trump.  He has admitted he is an entertainer (or at least is trying to be).  I am sorry but I can't take him seriously as a presidential contender as there is very little substance behind the facade.  What I do find amusing is that the media and others still think they can shame him into making changes in what he says or does.  He is the Donald and he is shameless.  (Did you not see him on the celebrity roast on comedy central, I couldn't watch all of it because it was so shameless and this is not a plug to seek it out.  I just have more important things to do with my time like sort my finger nail clippings.)  The guilt trip big enough to overcome his ego will never come from external forces.  Sorry political correctness police, you will have to look elsewhere.

I like the fact that the others are sticking it out a little longer.  The fact is with a field this large the longer they stay the better chance of actually getting to make a point and some of them might actually have a point to be made.  Will anyone be around to care when that time finally comes?  More than a few have candidates have stuck it out just to be given a chance to speak at the party convention only to have no one watch them and no one remember what they said.  Only the last one standing will get any real attention whether they deserve it or not.  That is they way we play.

This is Ed Nef with a view from the Farrwest.

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