
28 October 2016

Share a picture 28 Oct 2016

Today was a day without pressing needs other than to get out and enjoy.  I need to have one of these every so often.  Sometimes I let it go too long before I allow myself the opportunity to hit my reset button.  If it goes too long it starts to wear on me and I am not at my best.  When this happens, I know that it doesn't just affect me but it affects those around me and those I love.  My loved ones deserve to have me at my best so I try to remain mindful and take the time to do as Stephen R Covey says and 'sharpen the saw'.

Part of that ritual for me is to take the time to smell the roses as it were, (or the next best thing if there are no roses around).  If I put a little effort into it I can take much pleasure in some of the simple things in life.  Today it was a flower that caught my eye on this overcast day doing its best to shine before the days turn completely to winter and hide its beauty under a layer of snow.

This did the trick and for the rest of the day there was beauty all around.  It isn't about knowing where to look, it is just a matter of looking.  If I would just bother to remember to do a little looking every day, I am pretty sure it wouldn't always feel like it has been a long time in between, mostly because it wouldn't be.

See the beauty around you.  This is Ed Nef with a view from the Farrwest.

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