A group of us older gentlemen were discussing various things today when the topic turned to a change in the world which has resulted in a downturn in the sense of community of late. It seems that many didn't feel the connectedness they once did and missed past times when there were people who related with each other better and looked out for each other. There were tales of remembrances from youth when they had felt more of a part of the whole.
As the discussion ended and no solutions were presented or explanations given, I was left to ponder on the subject and came to my own insights and conclusions on the topic at hand, but had no one left to share my discoveries with but you my dear reader.
As one that has often found himself an outsider and disconnected for the rest of the world I know how important it is to be included and have that sense of community, and how hard it can be to find sometimes. The very definition of loneliness is one that stands alone or apart from his community.
So what then can be our definition of community? Above all it seems to be those things we have in common that bind us together. It can be a shared interest in one thing or a common interest in a group of many things. It can be items that we have selected from by personnel choices and decisions. And it can also be found in items that we have had no input in whatsoever.
Through the years I of have seen groups come together naturally and seemingly without effort and I have seen other groups that look like a perfect fit on paper but never quite gel. I have seen groups of individuals that are so different that they would never be able to relate with each other under normal daily circumstances but somehow manage to come together to create a unity for a common cause that they all felt deeply about.
People can come together from simple little things like a love of cars, or quilting, or football. They can also come together for groupings defined by location and geography as in this side of the track, river, valley or man made groupings as belonging to this city, county, state, nation.
The funny thing is that depending on what level you place your focus is how inclusive or exclusive your grouping seems to be. Liking the 2002 red convertible Corvette with automatic transmission and 12 cd changer in the trunk is pretty specific. The next level may include all 2002 Corvettes, then all C5 Corvettes, then all Corvettes, then all convertibles, then all American made convertibles, then all American made sports cars, then all sports cars, then all cars, then all cars and pick ups, then all planes, trains, and automobiles no matter where they are made or year or ability.
In a political climate that does everything it can to divide us and challenge us to define who we really are, I think it would be much more beneficial to look to those things that we have in common with each other. After all, at a high enough level, aren't we all God's creation located on the same sphere in the middle of a universe that is greater than we know. That gives us all something in common and that should make it easier to build and strengthen those bonds that build a sense of community and to follow the commandment to
Love One Another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
Which brought me to another thought about what makes for a good sense of community. In each one there is a special person or several such persons that one might term a bonding agent or a catalyst. They are the ones that extend themselves into the group and ignite the chemical bonding that takes place, adding that special something that makes the word synergy more than just a cliche. They are the ones that extend the hand of introduction to a stranger, the one that welcomes others into the conversation, the one that cheers on the accomplishments of another, the one that plans the party, the one that takes a good idea and runs with it. They are the people of action. A community will thrive by the presence of these people.
Are you one of these people? Do you have what it takes to overcome your fears and overcome the fears of others to create the actions necessary to generate a sense of community for yourself and those around you? If you can recognize the need for connectedness in yourself then you can recognize the need in those around you. Even if you can't picture yourself as the chief catalyst of your group, you can find one who is a catalyst and throw your full support behind them. That way you can be the catalyst for your catalyst. And when two or more catalyst get together, well, then you really have something.
This is Ed Nef with a
view from the Farrwest.