I must be getting old. I forgot my password again. Or did I. I think they made me change it and I was still locked into the old one. Security is so tight I am even protected from myself.
So I finally got back in and noticed that half a year has gone by since my last entry. Shame on me. It isn't like I haven't had any thoughts in that time. Fact is I have had all kinds of thoughts since then. Many of those thoughts I wish I had shared if only to leave a trace of a memory. Many of those thoughts were not to be shared and of course many of those thoughts would have been best left unthought. (If your spell check highlighted that last entry, just ignore it. If you can't make up new words every now and then, you aren't really trying.)
So a little visual to so you what kind of day I have occasionally. I know I am not alone. I parked at the store, did my business and came back to find a fairly new Mustang had parked behind me. Remember, the white pickup was there first. Notice the line. Notice the clean shine on the Mustang. Really??? The appearance of my pickup is generally scary enough to free me from the traditional worries of public parking but people still manage to surprise me.
I did look it over and I good see no evidence of actual contact, so climbed in and went my way. I felt sorry for the owner of the Mustang because eventually their behavior may catch up to them. I would prefer they change their ways (and sooner rather than later) and all is quickly forgotten.
Along those lines you will notice that there is no inclusion of any thing that might identify who the owner is. IT ISN'T IMPORTANT. That and I also hope that when I am the one making those silly mistakes that others will forgive and forget my errors.
I will keep my eyes open if you will. There are still alot of "people" out there.
This is Ed Nef with a view from the Farrwest.
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