
25 March 2019

I do believe that reporters/journalist...

...believe that they represent the general public when they are covering politicians and candidates for public office and tend to act on that believe.

I also believe that politicians and candidates for public office also believe that they represent the general public and tend to act on that believe.

As a member of the general public, why do I feel left out?

This is Ed Nef with a view from the Farrwest.

24 March 2019

A Sticky Button

I have an alarm clock that has a sticky button.  It is the button that turns on the alarm and sets it to wake me up to either an alarm beep or the radio, or to turn it off completely so I can sleep in on the weekends.  Sometimes I have to hit it a dozen times to respond, and sometimes I hit it once and get the equivalent of two hits sending it past the setting I am looking for.

I know it is time for a new alarm clock, but...

...I am not ready for a new alarm clock.

This one is special.

This one has meaning too me.

This alarm clock does more than one alarm, it can be set for two different alarms.

So what is the big deal you ask.

This is the alarm clock I purchased shortly after I had a need for two different alarms.

This is the alarm clock I purchased shortly after I got married.

It is funny the little things we can look at that have special meaning in our lives.  This just happens to be one of mine.

This is Ed Nef with a view from the Farrwest.