
22 November 2008

Don't take dumb advice.

That may sound like common sense but I am amazed at how much dumb advice is out there. And I have come across some of the dumbest advice yet from AOL sponsored pages.

When we hooked up the new computer to the internet, one of the default home pages was to AOL. It looked innocent enough at the time and so I just haven't taken the time to delete it. Besides any links to new or more or better information is a good thing for an info junkie like me.

The trouble is, they are nothing but fluff vendors. The page is full of teasers of the worst kind, the kind I get sucked into. Not all of them get me but there are enough that do to make me worried as to functioning of my crap detector. It really seems to be falling down on the job lately.

Anyway, the headline reads "Need to make some quick cash?". Well sure who doesn't? But I have seen these lines many times in the form of spam in my e-mail box. What could AOL possible have that might be of value? The following tag line reads "Clever ideas that fill pockets fast". That sounds great, take me there.

The link takes me to the next page that is titled "25 (Unconventional) Ways to make Quick Money". Unconventional huh, well that could be a good thing. After all it is unconventional that makes people stand out and excel. Dave Ramsey says "Live like nobody else now so that you can live like nobody else later". I like that.

Of course this list of things is not a simple list but a slide show of ideas so you have to remain in their pages exposed to their ads for the next 25 slides. O.K. I can live with that if you are going to give me something of value. Lead on.

First up, start your own part-time business from home. No bad but their suggestion is to become a dog walker, errand runner, driver or computer consultant. That is a pretty diverse selection and none that will produce quick money in the near term.

What's next? Take a part time job, again not bad advice, working for a living is always a good thing, but we are looking for unconventional ways to make quick money, not the tried and true methods.

The next item got me. They suggest you seek emergency assistance, in other words charity. There are certain times when things fail that charity can step in and provide a helping hand to get people over a hurdle, but too suggest this as a way to make quick money is pretty pathetic. What is AOL thinking with this one?

A couple of more good suggestions come next, such as 'Make stuff to sell', 'sell stuff on craigslist (which should also work on eBay), 'do odd jobs' (same category as taking a part-time job), 'find an online gig' (not sure what that is but sounds like part-time work through online sources), 'return past purchases', 'hold a yard sale', 'recycle scrap metal', 'become a temp' (another form of part-time work), 'take in a boarder', 'pawn your stuff' (though you will probably get more selling it yourself), and 'go scavenging' (using a metal detector, or collecting aluminum cans).

These are mingled with stupid things like 'rent out your parking space', rob the piggy bank to 'collect your change', 'sign up for medical tests' such as avian flu vaccine, 'tap your life insurance', and 'scalp tickets (legally)'.

But the dumbest suggestions of all are 'get a payday loan' (just visit the local loan shark), 'raid your IRA' (retirement is for old people), 'sell some body parts' (thankfully they limit this to blood and hair, but still), 'bank your sperm', 'sell stuff to motorists' (that's all we need more car to car vendors), and the absolute worst suggestion of all time 'Head to the Casino'.

Some of these ideas you can easily do and should if you are in need of additional funds. Some of the ideas will take some funds to get started, if you don't already own a metal detector you may have to lay out some funds to obtain one. Then you need to compare costs to revenue and decide if it is worth it.

The other ideas are foolhardy if not outright dangerous. If your retirement plans consist of lottery tickets then you are probably a prime target of this AOL article. If not, you will recognize it for what it is, crap. Get your crap detector in gear. The best way to do that is to educate yourself. Learn as much as you can about as much as you can. The more you know the more wisdom will follow. There are plecty of people out there willing to give you advice. With knowledge and wisdom you will quickly be able to discern the difference between the good and the bad. Profit from the good and avoid like the plague the bad.

This is Ed Nef with a view from the Farr West.

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