It isn’t over yet, there is still much to be done. IE 8 is o.k. but I still like Firefox better so I need to get a copy and get it loaded. I did save all my links in the backup process; at least I hope I did. Speaking of backups, I will need to figure out a good way to transfer my old files back onto this box, and set up a good back up program. I should be able to use the one that came with the portable unit I got at Costco and since that is where I stuck my files anyway it may be a good way to transfer back the files. At least that was the thought when I picked it up in the first place. One back up drive should be able to support two different computers, right.
As I think back over the last few months and having to try and come up with solutions to the problems I faced, one thought ran over and over again in my mind; if I can’t get this working again then I will just have to get another computer, but if I had to get a new computer what would I do now? If I had it to do over again would I go this same route or would I try something different? Because of the problems I have had the last thing I want is something that will give me more problems, and I don’t want to spend any more money on this than I have to.
On my last three computer buys I have spent the extra money up front thinking that I was getting better quality, performance, and time before obsolescence only to find that I only got a small increment if any and that the problem quotient was still there. I readily admit that I will think long and hard before even considering an HP again. This has left a bad taste in my mouth for their products, and I do mean that with a plural. Maybe it is the platform and I should switch from PC to Apple.
I have spent a lot of time thinking about that one also, but like the PC, Apples are not perfect. They are far from being cheap let alone inexpensive. If they were half the current price on any and all models the whole story of personal computing would have to be rewritten.
They are also every bit as proprietary as anything out there. This is both good and bad. Good in that they should be in an excellent position to tackle compatibility issues but bad in that there is definitely a monopolistic feel within the platform. But with all this control they should also have a handle on quality issues, especially for the money they charge. That expectation is not born out based on some things I have read. My brother put it best when he told me to go to the local Apple store and take a look at the line at the service counter.
For now I will give the old HP one more shot. I kind of have to with all the time, effort, and money I have invested in this thing. It is too bad that the world is moving so fast and technologies are changing so quickly because some days I would like to go back to an older box that ran simpler software and still seemed to do what I needed it too without too much fanfare. Actually it seemed to do the basics at least as fast as the current boxes do. Bulky is bulky no matter what your time-frame of reference is. It is hard to say which technology is pushing which. Does new software require new hardware or does new hardware dictate new software? All I know is you can never have enough of either when it comes to gaming. And lately it all kinda seems like a game. And one that is getting harder to win.
Either way I will press on and let you know what happens. A lot has been happening in the world lately and without a blog to share my comments with the office has been taking the brunt of my soap boxing escapades. They will probably be glad for the reprieve.
As always, I am Ed Nef with a view from the Farr West.
Click here for Part One of the HP adventure or
click here for Part Two of the HP adventure.
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