It may be a little bit after the fact but I wanted to see if there was going to be any additional points to the storied headlines from the Republican debate the other night other than the much maligned Rick Perry's forgetfulness. The real story was not his forgetting the third target of his smaller government plan but that no one jumped on the band wagon.
Here was a real opportunity to make real cost cutting efforts a meaningful part of the debate and start identifying Federal programs and agencies that should no longer exist (as if some of them ever should have in the first place). What would have been much more exciting for this political race and for America is if a new competition would have started that night to see who would produce the most aggressive proposal for real government reduction. The starting bid of three programs was not even bid up to four.
There are far more possibilities than those offered. The National Endowment for the Arts, Housing and Urban Development, Education, Energy, Environmental and that is just to name a very few of the big well known areas. There are dozens more of the lesser known that could come off the top that very few have even heard of.
In addition to the outright elimination of some programs, severe cuts to others would help force them to focus on core functions and objectives that serve the purpose for which they were established. As budgets got bigger, the scope of many agencies grew far beyond their original designs as they became an obstacle and stumbling block to the very public they were designed to serve.
Of course this was promoted heavily by those in Congress that felt they had to pass a new law for every whiny complaint that past through their door. Thanks also to every whiner that brought it too them thinking that government is the solution to all our problems. And a special mention to those that execute said laws and regulations and using their own interpretations to enhance what they feel those requirements were really meant to be.
And because every one of those government programs and agencies support a "someone" somehow, there will always be opposition to turning them off. Any of them.
This is a vicious cycle we have put ourselves in and when only one in ten candidates is even willing to 'talk the talk' you know the odds of real fiscal reform (where someone will 'walk the walk') are not in the cards this go around. Don't be fooled by the sound bites and photo ops but instead look for those that will let actions speak louder than words. I'm still looking, are you?
This is Ed Nef with a view from the Farr West.
A wonderful little site that takes a look at a little bit of everything the world has to offer.
17 November 2011
16 November 2011
Thomas Paine had common sense
I came across this quote today and knew I just had to share it.
Public money ought to be touched with the most scrupulous conscientiousness of honor. It is not the produce of riches only, but of the hard earnings of labor and poverty. It is drawn even from the bitterness of want and misery. Not a beggar passes, or perishes in the streets, whose mite is not in that mass.
-- Thomas Paine
Did this man know what he was talking about or what? If ever there was a time when this truth needed to be known by it's people it is now.
This is Ed Nef with a view from the Farr West.
Public money ought to be touched with the most scrupulous conscientiousness of honor. It is not the produce of riches only, but of the hard earnings of labor and poverty. It is drawn even from the bitterness of want and misery. Not a beggar passes, or perishes in the streets, whose mite is not in that mass.
-- Thomas Paine
Did this man know what he was talking about or what? If ever there was a time when this truth needed to be known by it's people it is now.
This is Ed Nef with a view from the Farr West.
05 November 2011
Have you read The Book of Mormon?
Have you read “The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ”? Have you even heard of it? I have and I must say that it is probably the most important book in my life. It has testified to me again and again of the true role of the Savior Jesus Christ. It has added depth and meaning to his teachings, working hand in hand with the testimonies provided by the Holy Bible. It has provided comfort and direction in times when life’s challenges were great. It has been a source of peace and comfort as well as understanding when I needed it most. It is a book that brings truth and clarity, dispelling the clouds that often line the path of life. It builds on the truth and light found from all sources helping me to grow in wisdom and learning as I seek to follow in the Savior’s footsteps, to be like Him and to return to live with our Father in Heaven.
If you have read the Bible or even just parts of it and have felt the richness of the spirit it brings then you owe it to yourself to add unto it by reading The Book of Mormon. If you have felt intimidated by the Bible because it feels awkward to read at times, then start with The Book of Mormon. They both testify of Christ for out of the mouth of two witnesses shall the truth be established.
Fear not what others have told you about the nature of The Book of Mormon either to the good or the bad but rather find out for yourself. The Bible itself was taught by word of mouth for many generations before it was available in printed form by which each person could read and gain testimony for themselves the truth contained therein. The same spirit of testimony that will let you know of the truthfulness of the Bible will let you know of the truthfulness of The Book of Mormon. It is a promise contained within the book that those that will read this book and ask of God if it is true, that the truthfulness thereof will be made known unto them by the power of the Holy Ghost.
I have done this very thing and know without a doubt that The Book of Mormon is true and is the work of God. If you will read it with real intent you will come to know this also of your own accord. I, like many before me, desire that all partake of this special gift. The book can be found at many book sales sites, new and used book stores, libraries and all the usual places but if you would like a free copy now, you can go to There you will find links to download the book in written form or as an audio book, or you can have a hard copy delivered to you. It is all free but its value can truly be priceless.
The book is published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The members are sometimes referred to as Mormons and the nickname was given because of this book. I am a member. The web site above will link to other pages that may help answer some questions about the church for those with an interest but what is really important is that you obtain a copy and then read it.
This book is the keystone of our religion. If it is not true then the rest cannot stand, but I know that it is true and I want you to know also, one way or the other, but you must know for yourself, by yourself through the power of God, and the only way to do that is for you to gain possession of this book then obtain that knowledge yourself. One way or the other your life will change by the reading of this book.
May God bless you with this gift as He has me.
If you have read the Bible or even just parts of it and have felt the richness of the spirit it brings then you owe it to yourself to add unto it by reading The Book of Mormon. If you have felt intimidated by the Bible because it feels awkward to read at times, then start with The Book of Mormon. They both testify of Christ for out of the mouth of two witnesses shall the truth be established.
Fear not what others have told you about the nature of The Book of Mormon either to the good or the bad but rather find out for yourself. The Bible itself was taught by word of mouth for many generations before it was available in printed form by which each person could read and gain testimony for themselves the truth contained therein. The same spirit of testimony that will let you know of the truthfulness of the Bible will let you know of the truthfulness of The Book of Mormon. It is a promise contained within the book that those that will read this book and ask of God if it is true, that the truthfulness thereof will be made known unto them by the power of the Holy Ghost.
I have done this very thing and know without a doubt that The Book of Mormon is true and is the work of God. If you will read it with real intent you will come to know this also of your own accord. I, like many before me, desire that all partake of this special gift. The book can be found at many book sales sites, new and used book stores, libraries and all the usual places but if you would like a free copy now, you can go to There you will find links to download the book in written form or as an audio book, or you can have a hard copy delivered to you. It is all free but its value can truly be priceless.
The book is published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The members are sometimes referred to as Mormons and the nickname was given because of this book. I am a member. The web site above will link to other pages that may help answer some questions about the church for those with an interest but what is really important is that you obtain a copy and then read it.
This book is the keystone of our religion. If it is not true then the rest cannot stand, but I know that it is true and I want you to know also, one way or the other, but you must know for yourself, by yourself through the power of God, and the only way to do that is for you to gain possession of this book then obtain that knowledge yourself. One way or the other your life will change by the reading of this book.
May God bless you with this gift as He has me.
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