It's Swagbucks turn. So what is Swagbucks? It is a web site where you can get paid to do some of the typical web surfing stuff like doing searches, playing games, watching videos, taking surveys, and being exposed to a boatload of advertisements while getting a small reward for doing so. This is the one site that can really add up if you are willing to put in some effort and time. Just be careful that it doesn't take up too much of your time as it can become far too addicting.
Like all of these sites, the first thing to do is to find and collect the easiest points, or low hanging fruit first. Only after this is done do you start spending your time on the points that take a little more time and a little more effort. This will help control how much time you are willing to spend as the margin of return to time spent will let you know when you have done enough for that day, and you can put it aside and work it some more on the next day.
The easiest place to start is the daily poll; one quick point and your on your way. The next item is the NOSO or No Obligation Special Offers. Quickly load the page and hit the skip button that moves you finally to a captcha that you enter to earn your two points.
Next pick a game to play, one that doesn't take too long to lose and then repeat as you will get one point for every two plays. One of my favorites is the Swagasaurus Run as I can cycle through it about as quick as any of the games. Of course if you like the games you can still enjoy them just realize that they will eat into the time that you are building your Swagbucks points count. Unless they are doing a special day deal, there is a limit of 10 plays for 5 payouts of 2 points each for a total of 10 points per day.
Next thing to check out is the main page for any easy special offers. Look for the small point offers as they are easy to do, don't require much effort, and they don't require you to register for anything or give a credit card to buy anything. You will want to check out the main page every time you refresh it as some of these offers will refresh with the page and let you get paid for them multiple times. There are different offers for different times of the day. Also look for the Radium One tab on the Special offers page for many of the same types of things.
As you get familiar with the site you will begin to recognize which items are worth doing and which ones to avoid. If it is an item to avoid you can hit the X in the squares upper right hand corner to delete it from appearing each least for that day.
Some items will have a big point payout but that usually means you have to sign up for something even if it is a free trial something. The trouble with free trial somethings is you forget you signed up and you get a monthly bill on your credit card for that something that you forgot to cancel. If you can make yourself a list and keep track of when your need to cancel by dates are then you can pick up some major points this way. I can not and I know it so I don't even bother with these. And if you do the insurance quotes you have no one to blame but yourself if you get the occasional phone call...
Next up are the Swagbucks TV videos. Pick a topic and go. Watch the credit bar to see when you have earned the credit for watching that video and as soon as you have it is time to pick the next one. Don't worry that you have just made it through the commercial and haven't actually watched the video, that is not what this is about. It takes 10 videos to get 3 points for a total of 150 points per day unless there is a special thing going on. I have never hit the limit if that tells you something about what this takes. I do however use it to help build the points I need to meet my daily goal.
Oh yeah, the daily goal. There is your own personal goal which can be whatever you want it to be but in case you can't decide let them set a goal for you. Swagbucks sets two daily goals, kind of a level one and a level two. Each level comes with a bonus points amount that is collected through out the month and paid in the first week of the following month. These can add up nicely and it is a pleasant surprise when you notice your balance just took a jump and you can't remember why.
There is another points bonus that you can earn by hitting the level one daily goal several days in a row. Seven days will get you an extra 25 points and you can get up to 300 bonus points for hitting your level one daily goal every day of the month. Combined with the daily goal bonuses this makes for a nice bump but it can become a little stressful trying to make sure you hit it every day. Also be ware, everyone used to have the same daily goal but now it is a moving target for each individual based on how much activity they do. The more you do the higher the goal becomes, the less you do the lower the goal...your basic two edged sword.
Encrave is like Swagbucks TV but works slightly differently. Some are short, some are longer combinations. It used to pay better but it has cut back some lately, also they took off the notice of what the payout is for each viewing offer. That means learning it by trial and error. Look for the ones with a circle like symbol as they will go from one video to the next automatically which is nice...set it and forget it. Sad part is you have to have your cursor on the screen to have it give you credit for viewing. There used to be a countdown timer but they took it off.
I haven't said it out right yet but here is a good place to mention that with a little practice you can figure out how to open up and have several windows running at the same time. This is the real way to get to the daily goals. If you had to do this all one shot at a time you could kill off a whole day and not even realize it. You really need to do multi tasking to make this work out well. By the way, I am watching Swagbucks TV, playing Swagasaurus run and doing Encrave right now as I am writing all of this.
Next up is surveys. You can be honest about who you are but be aware that if you don't meet the desired demographics you wont get in. If you try to be who they are looking for you can get paid fairly well. It can be like a game trying to figure out how to take on a different persona and answer survey questions in a third person in order to gain the prize. I know one person that has been pretty successful at playing the survey game whether he needs to be a teenage game playing boy or a single hispanic mother of two. It kind of makes you lose faith in the outcome of surveys and polls and even more in the people that pay for and act on the information that comes out of them, but don't let that hold you back from getting paid for their folly.
Last mention is the searches. The payout is given randomly, totally hit or miss and usually pays in the 6 to 11 point range, so I don't count on it for much other than icing when I get one. I do search and go to a site known as It stands for swag code spoilers and will let you know if any of the Swagbucks social sites like Facebook, Blog, or Twitter have a special Swag code phrase you can use for a limited time to gather some bonus points. Quicker to use than the sites but it is all hit or miss for timing.
So when it comes to being paid (and that is the best part) just know that there are several cards to choose from where 1 point equals 1 cent and you can pick many different cards in different denominations starting from $5. One card that can be bought at a discount is the Amazon $5 card which you can get for 450 points, up to 5 cards a month. First place to start and the one goal you should shoot for is these 5 cards each month. It doesn't take long to build a nice credit balance at Amazon.
Now if you think this is all small fry I must state that my friend has bought a lot of nice things through Amazon with the $1000 plus he as made in the past 10 months he has been doing this. This is all part time outside his regular full time job. He is driven and goal oriented and does what it takes to get where he wants to get. Way to go. I haven't done that well myself but I do like what I have been able to do.
If you think you would be interested in giving this a try then use my referral
to try SWAGBUCKS. (or and enjoy. It doesn't cost anything to try but your time. I like that. I like that.
This is Ed Nef with a
view from the Farrwest.