We have been blessed in the country far beyond what others in the world have and it is a wonderful thing. One of the biggest blessings comes in the form of choices or options if you will. Since before the days of 31 flavors of ice cream we have had options aplenty to choose from.
With all this variety comes comparisons. Which one is better? And, more importantly, which one is better for me? Best of all, as the customer you get the freedom to choose for yourself. How awesome is that? Also, because of all these choices and the choices of everyone else, what we have to choose from just keeps getting better and better. As long as we make good choices, the good things will continue to exist and the bad choices will just drop off with no one to support them.
Everyday you have the opportunity to choose, what to have for breakfast, where to go for lunch, should I have leftovers for dinner, what should I watch on T.V., or should I go to the movies, or better yet read a blog. From the clothes you wear to the car you drive, from the decisions to take an elevator or take the stairs, and even looking at the caller id and deciding whether to answer or not we face a multitude of choices everyday.
Many of these choices are made without hesitation or much thought. Sometimes the choice is made once and we did such a good job of making that choice that we do not need to make that choice again but stick with it for a lifetime. Some choices need to be readdressed periodically as new information comes to light or circumstances have changed. Some choices are made over and over again but are of little effort and little consequence. Some choices take much deliberation and agonizing analysis while other can be made on a whim.
All Choices have consequences.
If you
take responsibility for the choices you make then you can also
take responsibility for the consequences that follow.
Now a couple of things to keep in mind. There can be a point of decision overload, that is when there are too many decisions to be made all at once and/or there are too many items to choose from when there can be only one choice made. If you are not aware of this problem, it can throw you into a state of indecision. You can get stuck, you will stew and fret and increase your anxiety to a point of exhaustion and still not come out of it with a decision that will allow you to move forward, and believe me decisions are all about moving your life forward.
There have been studies done that show the average person can not handle more than such and such a number of choices before reaching this state of inability to decide. They claim it would be better if we had less choice. I call that hogwash. I have been caught up in this myself and know for a fact that having less choice would have made it easier but not necessarily better. If I am aware that this state of indecision is happening, then I can choose to change myself and how I handle the situation thus I return to choosing a solution rather than allowing it to become a problem. So how to go about it;
1. What is the problem and what is the desired outcome? Define these first. Have you asked enough questions to fully understand the situation and aren't rushing into making a snap decision.
2. What are the alternatives? Do not try to look at every possible alternative, some are bad from the get go and add nothing but distractions. Do however brainstorm long enough that you don't overlook real possibilities. This is where innovation comes from. New does not come from choosing to do the same old thing.
3. Choose the level of effort needed for the decision. How big a decision is this really, and how bad are the consequences if I get it wrong? Don't sweat the small stuff, it isn't worth it. When deciding which flavor of ice cream to have, go ahead and just pick one, it won't be the last time you will have ice cream. If you are deciding on which water softener to get you might want to take a little longer.
4. If you are only making the decision about and for yourself go ahead and be self centered. This is the right time to be all about you. If you are considering others, then always look for Win-Win. That means finding a solution that will met everyone's needs as much as possible without doing it at the lope-sided expense of one of the members.
5. Beware of faulty logic. It is okay to consult others if needed. It can be useful to get a different perspective on the situation. I love to talk with others and learn new ways of thinking about things and doing things, especially if it is a better way. The problem is that sometimes we forget the advice often comes with the intro "Well if I were doing it, I would...". Until the decision is made it is still your decision, and after it is made it is still your decision. Make sure it is your decision. (Keep this in mind also when you give advice and it isn't taken so that no bad feelings are kept when you have a "That's not the way I would have done it." Just note it and let it go.)
6. Compare the alternatives. Look at pluses and minuses, pros and cons, cost vs. benefits. Use any and all methods that seem to fit the decision being made. Don't ignore gut feelings, and remember that prayer is always available.
7. Decide. Decision made, follow through, stick with it, adjust if needed as a last resort, reflect latter and learn from the choice.
Choices are a fact of life. Don't give up your responsibility to make choices and if you do, don't turn over that responsibility to others lightly. It is hard to get it back if you do and you might not like the choices made on your behalf. Not everyone is looking out for you best interest the way that you would and should and do.
I am glad you chose to read this post. This is Ed Nef with a
view from the Farrwest.