
06 September 2016

Too many sites, or is one too many

Last time I talked about spreading yourself too thin by trying to make a presence in every site out there on the web.  The other side of that is belonging to all the sites you possible can and then staying connected or current with all of them even if you are not a regular contributor.

I know some that have their phones constantly monitor their Twitter or Facebook account and are constantly checking it throughout the day to see what the latest is.  I on the other hand have wondered how much of my Facebook post got removed between now and the last time I was in even if I set the sort by earliest and not relevance order.  Lately it only lets me scroll so far and it still doesn't know me well enough to figure what is relevant to me.

And I think that the term relevance is the key.  People will spend time where they find relevance or at least relevance for them.  The other will get left behind.  So even if a site has 800 million members, it is how many, how often, and for how long that matter and those are the numbers we don't get to see very much of.

Another interesting statistic I saw was for a celebrity that had over a million followers but didn't actually follow anyone.  I won't name names (mostly because I can't, which tells you how truly famous they are/were) but that seems silly to me.  A social media site is designed to be social which would indicate some form a social interaction between real live people.  Anything else is a one way street that then places the responsibility on the provider to provide something of value even if it is merely entertainment.

If they can be entertaining then I can accept that.  I would relish it in fact.  I would settle for interesting, amusing, thought provoking, educational and informational.  I have been exposed to quite a lot so my standards are getting pretty high.  Well okay, not that high but with so much to choose from it is getting harder and harder to make my cut.  And with my time being more and more limited I have to make cuts.

And so should you.  If you find yourself missing out on things because you are too busy getting in on things that aren't really the kind of things that are your things but are someone else's things then you need to be cutting out a few things too.

If the choices are good, better, best, choose best every time.

This is Ed Nef with a view from the Farrwest.

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