
08 September 2016

Tsu I hardly knew ya

You might remember that I recommended a new site called Tsu some time ago.  It is one of those sites that took me away from many other things.  Sadly it is no more.

It made great promises of revenue sharing with those that contributed content which was a great concept and I imagine some actually made a few bucks as they testified to the fact on the site.

It was also a great way for me to experiment with a social networking site similar to Facebook but with the potential to reap some reward from your original content.  I was certainly intrigued enough to go for it and made a few connections along the way.

A lot of the content became very similar to what others had and did and there was a whole lot of copy and paste and share from others and initially that was okay because that was a way to be introduced to others on the site.  After awhile it was not invigorating enough but you could still happen on to some wonderful nuggets now and then.

It grew fast, fast enough that it scared Facebook into pulling any mention of it from their site for a time before they were pressured to put those mentions back.  You could see new members come and make many post with much enthusiasm and attention.  You could also see those new members fall to the way side as the promises of payout were not big enough soon enough to convince them to stay.  But the model was valid and the promises were possible very much like network marketing.

But then they changed.  (see the previous post and you will know what I am talking about)

They change the payout formula, they changed the way you could interact with others, and then they changed the whole web face and format so that your pages and your community took a back seat to the site itself.  Tsu took center stage and was now only willing to share the spotlight with any outside of its controlled group.  I am sure that was the beginning of the crash.  A couple of months later and the web page became a letter saying thank you but we are done, pick up your belongings.

Not the first Web site to die, not the last.  Regrets? Not really other than a good idea gone sour.  I did learn from it and I did enjoy the ride even if I was not one that made it pay.  Actually it did pay because as I said I did learn from it and I did enjoy the ride.  Payment enough sometimes.

This is Ed Nef with a view from the Farrwest.

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