
12 February 2008

Is Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness still possible?

As I have been pondering the latest developments in the upcoming Presidential election, it has me quite worried as well as quite a few other people I have spoken with. Although they don’t quite understand the dynamics involved they seem to have a sense of impending peril. I tend to agree. The list of candidates has been sufficiently narrowed that if any of them are selected, we lose. The flood waters of Socialism are at our door step, and we are without a lesser of two evils option this time.

So where can we look for hope. The one possibility that I see for holding back the tide is the checks and balances that were incorporated into our government from its foundation. The founding fathers knew the potential for tyranny that came with governmental power and in order to keep it in check they put in place three separate and distinct branches of government, executive, legislative and judicial. So although the executive branch is a lost cause this election (and don’t get me wrong that is not a good thing), and the judicial branch is selected by insiders, there is still a vote for who we will send to Congress.

If there is to be any hope of protecting the sanctity of this nation it will have to be done at the congressional level. This is no small feat as the people that we are relying on to put things right are the same people that got us in this position to begin with. Therefore the importance of this election is not where the media attention is going to be focused at the national level but rather at the congressional, state and local levels. If we are to have a hope of keeping things in check it will have to come from the people for the people and by the people at a level that will make a difference.

This unfortunately will take a ground swell effort, a movement if you will and at this point, I have yet to see anything that even remotely resembles a movement out there, at least not the kind of movement we are looking for. Some of the candidates are claiming to be experiencing just such a movement but it seems to be an overzealous opinion of their own campaigns. (The next closest thing is from the Ron Paul camp but his chances at this stage are less than a Ross Perot).

I am talking about a return to the values for which this nation was founded. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness are not just slogans for a bumper sticker. They are ideals and standards that were defined long before there were bumpers. And when you hear the word ‘Freedom’, what does it really make you think of?

If your education was thorough enough that these words mean something to you then be grateful and be aware of what is happening today, then act. If you are unsure what these words mean to you or what they should mean to you, then act, study, read and learn. The future is too important too just sit by in a dream state thinking that all is as rosy as they say, or that things are as bad as they say.

We are still allowed to think for ourselves and it is high time we did, because that simple act will help ensure that we continue not only to think for ourselves but to act for ourselves. When we can choose to think for ourselves and when we can choose to act for ourselves and when we can choose on our own to do for others, then we will know that those choices have not been taken from us. Then will we know that the possibilities of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness still belongs to us. Then will we know that our country is still ours.

This is Ed Nef with a view from the Farr West.

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