
18 April 2012

A quick run over to TEDs

Being stuck home sick is certainly no fun. Being able to catch up on a few things at home, things that don't take too much effort, at least makes you feel like the down time hasn't been a complete waste of time. One of those things was going to iTunes and downloading some of the latest TED video's. I don't know how many of these I have watched now but I can't think of a single one that didn't have something interesting in it.

Of the latest group I downloaded there where two individual yet very related videos that I just happened to download and watch in the same session. These two videos sum up rather well the two points of view that are competing for attention in the world today. Watch and think about which side you align with.

This will take a little time so make sure you have a few minutes to watch or at least download for later viewing. You can find TED 'Ideas worth spreading' from the link.

Then search for Paul Gilding 'The Earth is full', and watch it first, play time is 16:47 though that might include an advert at the end.

Next search for Peter Diamandis 'Abundance is are future', with a play time of 16:14.

If you want to go one step further the moderator brought them both out together for a little follow on discussion. It is a wonderful little debate with a bit of humor thrown in for good measure.

I would have added links to each site but links have a way of becoming obsolete almost as fast as they are loaded. The web site should stay constant however and they have a pretty good search function. You can also find them on iTunes store under pod casts again with a little searching.

If you have not explored or discovered TED yet you might want to plan for a little more time. There is a lot there for the curious to take in. Enjoy.

This is Ed Nef with a view from the Farr West.

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