
30 March 2008

Did the Lights go out where you live?

It was Earth Hour last night. Did you miss it? On 30 March 2008 between 8 and 9 pm we were supposed to live without electricity for one hour. What and how did you do?

Since I was in the middle of watching the James Bond film “Tomorrow Never Dies” I continued on until the end of the show. By the time I remembered the big event it was 8:40 pm so I figured it was too late to do anything now. I did take a look out the window to see if there was anything noticeable in the neighborhood but from my vantage point it looked pretty much the same. I didn’t notice any mention on the local news, television or radio, either before or after the event. Come to think of it, the only mention I caught on the national news was that Sydney darkened a few places like the Harbour Bridge and the Opera house. Australia was supposed to be first and there for lead the way. I think they thought this would be kind of like the New Years Eve celebration where they could report on the kick off and then give periodic updates as Earth Hour traveled around the globe.

So what was this really supposed to accomplish? Was there an actual goal in mind? Was it to raise awareness, save energy, cut greenhouse gasses, or even grander-- change life habits? Who started this movement, who is promoting it and even more important, why?

Now I am not against this practice if it is done for the right reasons. If it is to better the lives of man through increased awareness and an honest cost benefit analysis shows a true benefit to the participant then I am all for it. If however, it is just another way to mandate the views of a few onto the lives of many or all, then I don’t care what good comes out of it, because it is interfering with the free agency of man, it goes against the design of man. Each and every one of us was given the opportunity to come to this earth and design our own lives. We were given a conscience to let us know the difference between right and wrong and we will be judged by how well we have done making choices in our lives based on our circumstances and using discernment.

This free agency does not mean that we are free from the consequences of our choices and our actions. For the most part, the consequences can and often do help guide and direct our future choices. If we are willing to learn the various lessons life has to offer, the various experiences will bring an increase of knowledge and wisdom. This knowledge and wisdom becomes ours. We own it as individuals. It was not forced on us and it is not a trained habit like you would find in training an animal.

There is a world of difference in this. Two individuals may perform the same act, but one that is compelled is doing it because they have to and gains nothing from the experience, whereas one doing it on their own and for what they through self determination deem to be the right reason will truly be all the better for it.

So when I turn the lights out, it is for my own benefit. I am a conservative by nature but mainly in the cause of financial betterment. When I turn out the light it is to try and control my expenses. I have switched light bulbs to the long lasting compact florescent bulbs that use about a quarter of the energy for the same reason. If a light gets left on accidently it is not as tragic with these bulbs, and if I can find them on sale, all the better. The accountant in me needs to have a cost benefit pay off.

So, if by using less power, there are less greenhouse gasses emitted because less power has to be generated, or the building of another power plant can be delayed for a few more years, then all the better but this for me at the moment is a side benefit, or a bonus for my efforts. For those that feel strongly for the cause of Green and wish to be a conservative with a cleaner planet as their end goal in mind then by all means feel free to do this and you too will find your reward. But when we start to compel others to take or refrain from action, we lose.

It seems that all of the battles fought today, from the battle fields of war, to the battle fields of courtrooms and legislatures, to the battle fields between neighbors, all come from someone trying to impose their will onto the will of another. Instead of trying to meet the needs of others we try to control the needs of others by force. This does not create solutions, only contention. In a world that has the greatest need for harmony, we really should be looking for solutions that will work and benefit all parties involved. Chances are, there will be more than one solution. Don’t just settle for the one that meets your needs and exclude all others. Harmony may be just around the corner.

This is Ed Nef with a view from the Farr West.

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