
28 December 2010

Increase your e-mail awareness

Since I am continuing to send myself an e-mail trying to sell myself Viagra, and growing increasingly tired of the many implications I decided to do a little checking to see where the link was going. I did this without opening the e-mail’s link. I just hovered the curser over the link and looked at the address listed below. I then entered the address into and it came back showing the current registrar as Beijing Innovative Linkage Technology LTD. It also shows the name server as ns1(2,3,4) In other words they are using a Russian domain.

There is some other information and some phone numbers but I am not pursing it any farther. I don’t know whether someone is spoofing them the same way they are spoofing my e-mail address to make it look like I am sending myself these e-mails or what but I don’t like it. If our government was really concerned about our welfare they would be actively reaching out and attacking these people. What they are doing is deliberate and with intended consequences. This is not an accident.

If there are any of you out there that love to hack and disturb but still want to do something for a good cause and stand for something right, here is your target. Take out a spammer. Actively eliminate those that are deliberately out to do harm. I don’t have the wherewithal (resources or knowledge to do it) though I really wish I did.

We have all seen the warning about not clicking on a link from an unknown source or untrusted party and that is good advice. It seems that is still only a portion of the advice you need as I can’t even trust my own e-mail now. Either way please be careful out there. The war that is waging out there is bigger than any of us realize and we are getting caught up in the crossfire, so when in doubt…duck.

This is Ed Nef with a view from the Farr West.

09 October 2010

Weeds, weeds, weeds. They are everywhere.

I was just out mowing the lawn today and upon completion picked up the bottle of a special weed killer to spray down some particularly difficult weeds.

Now I have known weeds in my life of taking care of yards. My last house was a corner lot that I am convinced managed to grow every type of weed known to mankind. It was a magnet and with each new wind storm a new crop would emerge for which I would ask myself "what is that?" I am not known for my gardening and yard professorship and am still in the learning mode when it comes to identifying which grass is actually the grass that is supposed to be called grass when referring to ones lawn and yard.

I kind of got this idea I took from some yards I've seen that if it is green and you mow it down every now and again that it stills makes for a pretty pleasant yard, but unfortunately friends, family, and spouse have a somewhat different opinion. Also, sadly the last city I lived in had something to say about agricultural creativity. For some reason yards are about something more than just the color green.

Anyway, with all the various weeds that came along (and it seemed as if there was crop rotation with different varieties visiting every third or fourth year) I found that Weed B Gone seemed to take care of everything I saw pretty well. I could mix it and apply it as needed and where needed and it worked out pretty good. It was also much cheaper than having those lawn guys come every few weeks, tell you they sprayed something or other, stick a sign in your yard and charge you a pretty penny each and every time. I figured for the price of one treatment I could do it myself for the whole season and for many years that is exactly what happened.

Well we changed houses. Didn't learn my lesson about corner lots and got another one. The yard was in bad shape when we got here thanks to neglect and a house that sat empty for awhile before we bought it and moved in. Also it was winter and the yard was snow covered so we didn't really know what shape the yard was in, but it was a fairly new house so how bad could it be? least from my wife's point of view. She has used the chem crap people before and ordered up a helping. I think they delivered in a rain storm which washed it all away and doesn't help a thing but they just want to get paid for their delivery and be on their way. After the second helping, which still didn't look as if it was doing any good I convinced my wife that I would take on the job myself. She was worried about this since she knows all too well my less than stellar enthusiasm for lawn care, but even she would have to admit that I have put forth a grand effort in holding up my part of the bargain.

Of course it isn't just is trimming, and weed eating, and pruning, and planting, and edging, and weeding some more. This is one of those things in life that you will never reach the end of. Oh you might get to a point where you don't have something immediately pending but add a couple of days and a new task list will develop.

So this year our corner lot that came with secondary water has developed a new infestation of weed that is more obnoxious than any I have encountered in the past. I have fought off morning glory easier than this stuff. And what is worse, I don't even have a name for it.

My wife took a sample down to the local nursery and asked what was needed to get rid of it for which they gave it a name (I can't remember what the name is so don't bother asking) and told her it was really nasty stuff. The best medicine for it was this (insert small white bottle with scientific looking label) that would take care of things with three to four does applied diligently every three weeks.

The label said I could apply about an ounce and a half to every acre or so I think. I tried hard to calculate what that worked out to in equivalent terms for my hand pump sprayer. We where warned to not get to anxious and over apply as it would kill off the grass as well. It is a good thing that we did get to mix it with water though because at $30 an 8 ounce bottle it wasn't going to go very far. Thankfully we only had two patches in the lawn that really had any breakout and mindful of the warning I have tried not to overdo things.

I applied the fourth dose today and I can see evidence that it is working somewhat though I still see signs that it has not gone away completely. I mean this weed is nasty. The roots go deep and the tops run long and intermingle well with the grasses so that even when mowing they stay down and are seldom hit by the twirling blades. I learned quickly to rake the area and bring the weed up to the surface before applying the spray. That seems to have helped but what a pain.

If this doesn't work the next course of action will be to pull each weed individually by hand which will probably further destroy the remaining grass meaning a replanting will be in order and even then I feel there is no guarantee that it won't come back again. This is kind of frustrating but it is what we do when faced with such situations. We fight back as best we can not willing to give any ground to any weed that would destroy our designs for our yard.

At times the weeds seem to want it more. They live on little to no water, they don't require fertilizer, they are overwhelmingly good at propagation, and they resist most all efforts to eradicate them. Why can't grass, and flowers and food bearing plants and trees take a lesson and flourish with as much tenacity as weeds? Why can't we?

I am sure there are some life lessons in there somewhere and because I keep missing them I will continue to have weeds in my life. I did make the analogous connection between weeds in our lives and the crop of bad politicians. You can't just ignore them because they will bring friends and multiply and never be satisfied with the little patch of ground you give them, they will continue to expand until they have consumed all that you have if you let them. It is a never ending job of monitoring and eradicating if you are to keep them out of your life. It requires an eternal vigilance, and if you slip for a time and let them make a foothold then the effort to remove them is greater and sometimes the cost of the medicine is also greater. It may make you question if it is worth it and the only answer to that is, if you want your yard to be the way you want it then you must pay the price.

May the weeds in your life be manageable and may you find that having your yard the way you want it always to be worth the price.

This is Ed Nef with a view from the Farr West.

28 August 2010

Classics and Originals

You have heard me talk about my love for the classics. From literature to film and art to music, the classics have an enduring quality that lets them shine time and time again. It is that certain magic that will bring a smile to your face and a gladness in your heart when you are reacquainted with it some years down the road.

Some things you will see again that you thought were wildly wonderful in your youth and yet when you see them again now you wonder 'What in the world was I thinking'. I am not referring to those type of things.

I am referring of course to fish heads. I grew up on fish heads, and dead puppies and shaving cream and star trekkin' and assorted other looniness that was and is the wonderful world of Dr. Demento.

What brought this up you ask? I came across a disturbing little music video that I have never seen but one whose music I knew every word for. Fish Heads by Barnes and Barnes is a great example of the zaniness of the era. Sorry but I can't seem to get this to link properly so go to youtube and search for it or use this to copy and paste your way there, and you will see what I am talking about.

This of course got me linking to other greats from my Demento days and there are quite a few to choose from. There in lies a problem...well maybe not a problem but an observation.

It wasn't long after I discovered that there was such a thing as remakes that I learned about my preference for the originals in most cases. Pat Boone introduced a lot of new music to a whole new audience but it wasn't until they discovered where that music came from that they could really get a handle on it. It is just too hard to recreate the magic without all the original ingredients (as we will find out yet again if they actually try to remake the Three Stooges). This also applies with the placing of things within the context of time. So while you check out the video keep that in mind.

The other reason for mentioning this is to point out that You Tube is made up of many people that have built some very creative videos by using the building blocks of others as the foundation of their work, in other words adding their photos to another person's popular musical number. In most cases they do give credit to the originators and I am glad for that, it is just that when you come across the originals in all their glory, it is just that much more special.

For example, Tom Lehrer in black and white singing his wonderful classic "Poisoning Pigeons in the Park" is a gem that you will probably never see redone on American Idol. And can you imagine it being done by anyone else anyway?

So in closing I want to leave you with two choices. A quite little video portrayal of Dead Puppies by GoldnWlf and also a live performance by the original Dead Puppies by Ogden Edsl featuring Bill Frenzer. Ain't the internet grand?

Of course that brings up a whole other topic of which is better, live recordings or studio productions?

This is Ed Nef with a view from the Farr West.

Rediscovering the classics

There are many times and places where Cliff notes are all you really need. You get the gist of it without having to spend (waste) too much time and effort to pretend to be a part of it all. Much of life seems to be made up of just this type of activity. The very reason for a sports section in the newspaper and on the nightly news is to be able to talk about baseball the next day at work without actually having gone through the whole excruciating affair of watching it completely just so you can comment on the one or two highlights that they cover in the news.

The Cliff note version of life was (and I am sure still is) a big part of school life. Come on, admit it, you did not read every reading assignment handed out in its entirety. As an active youth you had way too much going on to lose too much potential fun on homework for school.

I was (and at times still am) a slow and methodical reader. I like to read every word and catch every meaning. For some subjects this is accomplished by going at a very slow pace. For other topics, ones with which I am very familiar or have been over similar items numerous times, I can move rather quickly. Case in point, I can now read through a business' annual report rather quickly though the first few took some long agonizing hours to review. Familiarity and a consistent format can greatly speed the process, just look at your favorite sitcom.

I may have been slow but I did love to read and often carried a book with me wherever I went always pulling it out to catch a snippet here or there. It is amazing how much you can accomplish with the little bit here and the little bit there that is always moving you forward toward your goals.

So what does this have to do with anything important like spending time having fun? Just this, how much have we missed out on by trying to get by in life just on the Cliff notes?

I am currently going over some old Mark Twain writings and have really found an appreciation for why he is listed as a famous writer with a sense of humor...and I am enjoying it.

This is not something I could have said if I had been forced to read him in grade school and then do a book report or take an exam on the readings, but now as a 'grown up' with a little time and experience under my feet I can honestly say I am enjoying reading Twain.

The same can be said for other classics and standards I've read along the way. There is some mighty meat and potatoes wisdom to be gained in some of this stuff that I didn't have time for in my younger days, and I am certain I wouldn't have gotten as much out of it back then either.

There are many times in life that must be experienced directly, hands on if you will. There are no substitutes. Cliff notes and cheat sheets will only get you so far, and then the rest of the walk is your own. The process of gaining your own testimonies is through your own efforts and must be done by you if you wish to own them for yourself.

The Scriptures are an example. I took a Bible as literature class in high school and though it was interesting to see a more secular view contrasting the one you get in church I will confess that I did not complete all my reading assignments but because of my previous knowledge gained through church attendance I was still able to pass the class with a fair grade.

Since that time however I have continued to read the scriptures for myself and not to fulfill a class assignment. I have gained much more from them because of this direct involvement. Scriptures also have a special nature about them that only the best of books contain. They are packed with so much depth, truth and wisdom that you can not gain it all in one reading. It is that depth of meaning that will bring you back again and again allowing you to discover new things each and every time.

Go ahead, pull out a classic you have always wondered about and treat yourself to some good literature. You'll never know what you will find or where it will lead you until you open that path and start traveling down it. You might be surprised. I know I was and still am with each new discovery as I continue to live in my world of wonder.

This is Ed Nef with a view from the Farr West.

21 July 2010

Hello again

I have not died (much) I have just been missing in action.

Sometimes it is far too easy to get carried away with the day to day activities of life that you lose track of time and then one day you wake up and realize how many days have passed since the last time you _____ (fill in the blank). Today it happens to be the realization of how much time has passed since my last blog entry. At other times it is the realization of how much time has passed since I last visited a relative or close friend. And sometimes it is just about remembering the last time you spent with yourself, taking it easy for a little while, calling a time out if you will to catch up on some reading, listen to some old favorites, go for a leisurely bike ride or take a relaxing stroll.

This summer has been one busy moment after another. Throw in a job change with a new system to learn and new people’s names and faces to remember, a summer cruise vacation, gardening, get togethers and a concert or two and it’s a wonder that there is much time to focus on all the other things that are happening all around us. I have almost given up trying to plan anything knowing that the minute I do there will be something else trying to plan itself in its place. Oh well, such is the busy life of the modern man.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I am still here and will add more presently. There is a lot going on in the world that frustrates the living daylights out of me and I want to be in a rational state of mind if I am to address any of it properly. That is getting harder and harder to do in this day and age, but I am willing to try.

In the mean time, look at your own days. Have you been missing out on the good things that life has to offer, things you like to enjoy and people you like to be around? Stop and take a look. If it has been awhile then maybe now is the time to call a time out and do something about it. And if you have been thinking about any particular some ones lately then by all means stop what you are doing and take the time to reach out to them. I truly believe that those thoughts of others are small but highly important doses of personal revelation and it should not go unanswered. You are needed and this is the call. Answer it when it comes and you will find a world of difference. You might even recognize the blessing when someone else reaches out to you when you need it most.

Don’t let life go by so fast that you can’t even smell the roses with the windows down. You will be missing the best parts.

This is Ed Nef with a view from the Farr West.

28 May 2010


We all play games,
some with others, some with our selves,
Are the games we play noble ones?
Are our games played in a noble way?
Do we even realize the games we play?

11 April 2010

Is it still Corect?

If you spell corect with one "r" is it still correct?

I came across this the other day, or rather it came to me as I have not heard it stated anywhere else, and it actually made me laugh out loud which is always a pleasant experience even if you do have to explain yourself to your fellow cubicle dwellers. I didn't care though because I found it funny.

It has been on my mind quite a bit since though. Did you know what I meant when you read it through the first time? Chances are you did. I have seen an e-mail that was going around some time ago that rearranged all the letters inside the words and only had the first and last letters in the correct position, yet somehow it was still readable and the message was conveyed. How does that work?

Anyone that spends much time on computers and uses e-mail will notice the significant disregard for spelling and grammar and etiquette. I have on many occasions found myself wanting in these areas at times. In the heat of trying to get down a thought some things get left out or overlooked. And in this day of word processors trying to correct our every fault on the fly we can sometimes put too much reliance on the technology that enables us to communicate so freely to capture our flaws before they are so grandly exposed to the viewing public. Sometimes it is that technology that creates the biggest flaws of all. (No matter how I try my computer still doesn't get me.) It is all a matter of who is editing who I suppose.

So how critical are you when you come across a written error?

I know it can be irritating as the eye seems to freeze frame on the mistake arresting your rhythm and flow as it takes a moment away from your efforts to devour the text but is it really such a big deal? Aren't we all just making a best effort at creating communication between people? If communication is the interchange of thoughts feelings and ideas, and those thoughts feelings and ideas have been properly understood by the recipient, then hasn't communication happened?

This is not to say that correction is never needed. Correction is what makes us better and in order for correction to happen sometimes notifications of error are required. By all means let me know where I stray that I might make amends and return to the preferred path but do so as a friend would that the friendship might continue to flourish. It is better that way don't you think?

There are so many times I have come across comments that seem harsh and out of place for the topics at hand. Attacking someones character and person due to a nit picky flaw is uncalled for and unjustified yet I am amazed at how often it happens, many times without rhyme or reason. I can understand it (but do not condone it) as an emotional response to a heated topic but it seems all too frequent during other times as well and that reflects back more pointedly on the attacker than on the attacked.

As we are all at different levels of skill, education, experience, knowledge and wisdom we need to take into account that there are some that are higher and some that are lower and some that are at the same level in whatever we do and whomever we are.

If we get caught up in the absolutes and the minutia of detail we do so at the risk of missing the point completely or at the very least wasting a lot of time and energy on things that really don't matter and thereby losing focus on what does.

This is Ed Nef with a view from the Farr West.

11 March 2010

Credit Consumers Beware

I still can not believe how stupid people think I am. I hope that they do not think the same of you.

What causes me to say such a thing has to do with the lame wad advertisements that come in the mail wanting me to do something extremely foolish such as take out a loan with them. The latest one came today from an 'American General Financial Services' company that thinks I am dumb enough to fall for the spiel that I can end the Credit Card Hassle by locking in fixed monthly payments and APR with them. They are even so kind as to let you pick a monthly payment due date that works best for you.

Thankfully they no longer hide the worst of it though there is the ever present small print, it just isn't as small as it used to be. So in big bold letters they tell me that my payment will be $156.31 per month for a loan of $5,150 (a strange number to be sure)for 48 months at (now get this) 19.85% APR. Who in there right mind would even consider a deal like this? People very hard up that haven't learned any better that's who and that is why I hope you are never in a position to do anything but laugh at the joke and the company that sends these out.

Now if that wasn't bad enough, they have the wonderful asterisk that refers to the note of small print at the bottom, this one at least is big enough that even I can read it, which might have been a mistake because it just adds to the insanity, so here goes.

"*Not a guaranteed offer. All loans subject to our normal credit policies. Rates and terms advertised are for very well-qualified borrowers and require collateral. Rates will vary based on individual creditworthiness and loan size. Rates will be higher for unsecured loans. Reply by..."

Can you believe anybody besides the government would have the gall to make you such an offer? What kind of fool do you take me for? How did you get my name and if you bought it off a list I want a cut to cover the abuse.

This is not the first offer from them nor the first from companies like them but I seem to be in the zone for these kinds of offers lately. Another one that came recently was a very official looking tri-fold envelope where you rip off the edges just like an official government notice. It had a picture of the statue of liberty on it, the words 'Form 1008-S Payment Reduction Notification' in the upper left corner and a warning that there is a "$2,000.00 Fine or 5 Yrs. Imprisonment or both for any person who interferes with or obstructs delivery of this letter or otherwise violates - 18 United States Code 1702 et seq. Advertisement - Newsletter". Pretty scary I immediately handed it to my wife to open.

I saw it coming a mile away. It was more crap, an offering to do a refinance with them compete with many goofy references to the economic stimulus act which I had trouble following because I tend to read things a little more carefully than the next guy. The small print did indicate that it was a legal advertisement (aren't they all) and that "Schroeter Law Group is not sponsored or affiliated with you current lender (no edit check here) and this advertisement is not authorized by your current lender and your loan information was not provided by your current lender." I guess not since the name they used was not my current lender, nor were any of the amounts listed.

By the way, they go to the county recorders office and buy this information from our local public officials thereby having access to your name and address if you have bought or sold or refinanced a house recently. Again, we should somehow be able to stop this at the source, or at the very least get a cut back for a referral fee.

The last one I will mention came from a Dorcy Law, whoever that is, and I only find that out by their slightly referred too web address at the end of the letter. The rest of the letter came with the same illusionary mentions of the Obama Administration's Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan of 2009 but nothing much else to go on. I say illusionary because I don't recall in all the hoopla and media hype about the stimulus packages passed and/or talked about, that an actual name was placed on an actual program actually instituted by the government, let alone any details on how it would work or who it would benefit. Rightly or wrongly I probably just assumed that I wouldn't qualify to receive, I would only qualify to pay for it.

Any way, it came from the Loan Modification Division, something that surely sounds more like an office section than the name of a company but that is what they had listed in the address heading along with a Washington DC address. (Does anything good come out of Washington DC these days?) In fact, there were no other names given than mine and the name of the original lender from the court records from way back when, and the only way I found a possible real company name (or at least a tie to one) was the reference in the web address at the bottom of the sheet. The letter wasn't even signed (how hard is it to get a computer to sign its own letters, I mean really) but was closed with the words "Sincerely, Sr. Home Retention Specialist". I wonder if they felt bad about printing the 800 number to contact them based on their level of effort to remain as anonymous as possible.

I do get upset when I see these things come in the mail and almost get to the point of wanting to call them up and expressing myself to them (or at the very least play with their heads and gain a little amusement for the effort) but then I get over it and decide that it really isn't worth the effort. These people are hopeless...but I don't have to be. And neither do you. There are so many loser organizations out there currently vying for your attention that we just shouldn't waste any more time on them that we have to. Thankfully some are way, way more obvious than others. Just do me a favor and watch out. If no one falls for their nonsense they certainly won't last long.

This is Ed Nef with a view from the Farr West.

19 February 2010

I got Junk Mail

Ever since I was old enough to have an address associated with my name I have been exposed to junk mail. I am not just talking about all the silly stuff they try to send you the minute you set up an e-mail account. I am sure you are all well aware of the myriad methods of spam and other loosely direct sent ads that overwhelm your in-box once your e-mail address is known. I am sure there are computer programs out there that randomly generate addresses to known server domains in attempts to find a 'live one' just so that you can receive the latest method of physical enhancement or reduction depending your gullibility.

I am rather referring to the spam e-mails ancestor, the original junk mail that travels by snail mail and arrives in the mail box located outside in a physical form that requires you to interact with it by direct physical means.

I actually like this form of advertisement. Really. It is the direct and physical nature of it that appeals to me, mainly because I can deal with it on my terms and on my time table. E-mail needs to be dealt with right now. Once opened it demands attention, mostly because if you decide to deal with it later it will sit there waiting and building up with all the other e-mail messages you have waiting for your attention. O sure you could file it into another folder, one marked 'to be read later' and let that one build up until one day you force yourself to look at them and notice that you were invited to a special party all expenses paid, for you and all your friends and close associates and all you need to do is RSVP by Friday only to find that the Friday the e-mail is referring to happened two and a half years ago.

Actually this is a good method for handling certain e-mail for your work address. It is amazing how many work assignments can get lost or company policy statements can go unread without affecting your routine daily life structure. I have found that if you quit producing a neglected and useless report and no one says anything about it for the next six months it probably won't ever be missed and your time will be better spent elsewhere. Of course if it is missed for what ever reason and it is still a neglected and useless report your time will still be better spent elsewhere. Such is the existence of a cubicle dweller, but that is another topic.

Our topic is good old fashion junk mail. Now there are some that say that you should open your mail as you receive it and deal with it immediately as a form of good time waste management. Well sometimes I am just not ready to deal with it thank you very much and hard physical mail makes that possible. If I want to wait until later to read it I can and the urgency I place on this hard mail depends on the pile I put it in and how high it stacks up without falling over or allowing me the ability to create a path around it on the floor.

Hard physical mail comes in self contained packaging other wise known as envelopes that give an indication generally of who sent it and what is in it. Here I have the ability to decide if this is something I really want to deal with right now or is it something I have to deal with right now or, or is it something I can put aside for later review.

But e-mail also comes in a form of envelope just like hard mail, I hear you say. It has an address of the sender and it even comes with a subject line to let you know what the topic of the message is. But this is where it breaks with hard mail or should I say hard mail is easier to discern. Hard mail comes with a return address that is either truthful or not and you know at a glance what you are getting. If it is from a friend they will have their address on it and you will recognize it, if it is a bill or advertisement from someone you know they will also have their address and sometimes a logo that you will recognize and know. If it is junk the return address will be none existent or a p.o. box number or other address without a name listed, or if a name is included it will be some made up funky name built to resemble someone else's name like "United States First Federal Integration Refinancing District Office". This tells you someone has something to hide and it is pretty evident right now.

Come to think of it, that is kind of what the spam mail tries to do also. The difference is that some do not list an e-mail address or some will use phony addresses. I have even received e-mail that supposedly came from myself. If they can send out spam using my own address what is to stop them from using the address of your friends. Besides we have all heard of how they send e-mail trying to pretend it is coming from your bank or credit card company in order to steal your account information. Deceiving people are deceitful no doubt about it.

Of course e-mail accounts prevent this or at least they try to prevent this with spam filters. Spam filters by the way only work a little for me. I have had more spam make its way into my in-box and more real letters make their way into my spam box than makes sense. I don't understand why it happens but it does. I think we rely on our computers too much by letting them make way more decisions for us than we should, especially seeing how often they get it wrong. Point is you can't trust them to do everything for you, you are going to have to do much of it on your own.

So our e-mail accounts have tried to develop ways to work like we use too, or at least how time management consultants tell us we are supposed to. They provided folders and sub folders to use to sort through and keep track of all our e-mail traffic. In order to sort through the e-mail you pretty much have to open it up and read it unless it is the same old drivel advertisement from emazon or am-bay telling you about the great yo-yo sale they have going this week and how they remembered that you once looked at a picture of a yo-yo so you must be an aficionado, and though you know it is junk you can't quite commit yourself to labeling all e-mail from them as junk just in case they do send you something important like a half price sale on that left-handed smoke shifter you have had your eye on, especially ones that come in your school team colors of purple and green.

So like all mail, you need to go through it and determine if there is any value to you in it and will you act on it now, later, or never. It is the 'never act on' mail that makes me glad for hard snail mail. If you get spam it is electronic. If you really get upset and want to reply to the so and so that sent you this piece of time wasting mind numbing crap the best you can do is hit the reply button and spend even more time hammering out a message to them that will fully explain in detail what you think of the piece of drivel this cretin was thoughtful enough to leave in your in-box. After much venting and fuming and fusing over just the right wording to use you hit send only to find that the address given is none functional. That's right, it is a dead address, phony or spoofed and your message goes nowhere, and all that energy that charged you up the first time around enough to want to make a reply just got recharged and still has no place to go.

Hard mail on the other hand almost always has some number or address associated with it because they are trying to get you to take action and spend money on them (especially since they spent real money on you not that cheap electronic money they use to send spam). But I have found that it is generally still a waste to get my knickers in a knot and try to make a direct reply and have found that it is much better to dispose of my frustration energy by shredding, folding, bending, and mutilating physically the item that caused that frustration in the first place. This is done directly through hands on contact. Very satisfying. Something you just can't do with an e-mail...unless you print it out, but why bother.

Later I will have to share some stories of my junk mail with you that I find amusing. I have tried to save a few from immediate shredding just because they are so over the top with stupidity. Never deal with anyone that expects you to be dumber than they are in order for the deal to work.

One more thing about hard mail that I really love. It is not a sleazy phone call from a telemarketer. If ever I have wanted to reach out and touch someone. Beyond telling them directly to put you on their "Do Not Call List" I tell them to send me what they have via snail mail. If they don't have my address I am not about to give it to them and if they have it most are not willing to send you anything by post anymore. It actually cost them something to do this and not everyone is willing to work for your business anymore. It's a shame really. It helps subsidize the US Post Office, and from what I hear they can use all the help they can get. If they do send you something you have real hard mail that might help you change your mind about them and their product or at the very least you will have something to shred.

Remember to recycle as appropriate. There is bound to be plenty of good fertilizer in there somewhere.

This is Ed Nef with a view from the Farr West.

13 January 2010

Personal rules for Credit Cards

I said that I would add my rules for a credit card company and so I shall.

1. I will pay my balance in full each month. This is the standard that you set for yourself, and the most important one at that. There should never be any reason whatsoever to carry a balance on a credit card and incur the high interest rate charges that come with it. The only reason to carry a credit card is as a measure of convenience. If you do not have the money to make the purchase, you do not make the purchase. It is that simple. You must commit to yourself that you will not spend money you do not have. If you have to finance something there are better and cheaper ways to go about it, but saving for the price in full first is the best option you can make. The credit card is only to be used in place of carrying cash or writing lots of checks or other matters of transaction convenience. It is only used to consolidate purchases so that you are writing one sum total payment check, when due, on time, in full, each month always. No Exceptions.

2. Thou shalt incur no Annual Fees. First and foremost that means no annual fee, period, exclamation point and end of discussion. The very first thing I look at for any credit card offer is disclosure on annual fee. If there is one, I don’t need to read any further for it is off to the shredder. Beware of those that claim no annual fee but adds in small print ‘for the first year’ and then they charge an annual fee after that. Only be willing to take the bite on that one if it is your fully committed intention to cancel before the year is up and then follow through. By the way, they are counting on you to forget about it so if there is the slightest chance you will, don’t take their offer. Actually even your intention isn't enough, no annual fees period.

3. Thou shalt have no charge if paid in full during the grace period. This one should be standard by now but double check to make sure that it is. If you pay the bill in full by the due date of the bill there should be no charges what so ever. If there is no grace period or there is any way to assess fees that shouldn’t be there, then drop them like a hot potato.

4. Thou shalt not pay an excessive interest rate. Even though we said that we are going to pay off our balance in full each and every month so as to incur no fees and no interest charges, you don’t want to accept a card that has a 21% or higher interest rate just on the off chance that something should go wrong. Stuff happens and when it does you want to minimize the consequences as much as possible.

5. Thou shalt pay no excess fees. This goes along with rule four. If the offer made it this far without causing you to throw it away then look at the fees and see if they look excessive. Don’t compare them to other fees in the industry to decide if they are normal charges but compare them to your own standard of what seems reasonable. If a fee seems high by your standard it probably is. Fees everywhere have been inching up on all financial services to the point that they have lost their sense of perspective and proportion. It is time to use the power of the consumer and decide not to accept unreasonableness.

6. Thou shalt ask “What’s in it for me?” Lastly and I do mean last, what perks does the card offer? My first credit card was a Discover Card back when they first came out, for one reason, they met my criteria of no fees and they paid cashback. I liked that. I no longer like the Discover Card and I will report on it in another entry. I still like to get a kickback on my purchases. There are a myriad of perks being offered these days, some are better than others so compare carefully. Many of the perk cards come with a hefty annual fee, don’t bother with them, you can do better. Some provide airline miles, some simply provide points, I still prefer cash back as it can be used on anything at any time.

7. Thou shalt not change thy spending habits. Now that you have your credit card you must not change your spending habits, only your payment habits. This is especially important if you happen to have a card that has perks. Just because the government thinks it can spend its way into prosperity does not mean you should. There is no way you can create an income for yourself by spending $100 for a $1 return, so please don’t try. You can however look for ways to use your card in places that you used to use only cash as long as there is no added fee to do so. The daily lunch run can be handled by your card rather than cash at many places fast food joints included. Grocery stores almost expect you to use a card now. I will pull mine out even if all I am getting is a pack of gum. Again, you must remember that you are not changing your spending habit to earn perks; you are only changing your paying habit to earn perks. Big difference.

8. No matter what the available credit balance is thou shalt not try to use it all. The Credit balance that is issued on a credit card is an interesting side note and nothing more. It is a ceiling amount that can easily be raised and lowered but it is inconsequential if you are in charge of your account because you will never come anywhere close to using all of it. There is usually no need. It is an artificial measuring device that the card companies use; it is not a measuring device that you use on yourself. You set your limits. Remember that you have higher standards. Just because they say you can doesn’t mean you say you can.

If you have any self control issues at all then forgo all the above and use strictly cash. Give yourself an allowance that you carry in your wallet or an envelope or whatever system you choose and live from that knowing that once that money is gone, it is gone and will not be replaced until the next allowance cycle. Until you master yourself you will not master your money but that is a whole other set of standards and tools.

One side benefit of the above, I have a monthly balance that is paid in full each and every month which reflects nicely on my credit score. The monthly balance is far less than the available credit which also helps the credit score. Do I care what my credit score is? Not really since it should be perfect but isn’t. It is the most abusive and highly inaccurate financial tool used today which makes me wonder why it is given so much power with so little oversight or liability on its part. My credit score is fairly high I am told. I know that it is just a measuring device that has become an industry unto itself. I want to live my life and have my finances such that having a credit score or not will make no difference whatsoever in my life. Contrary to popular belief debt is not the natural order of life. If you think that it is then it is time for a change of mind. You will find that life gets easier if you avoid debt.

Well there you have it. This pretty well sums up my take on credit cards. By the way, I do not have a pocket full of them. Two is usually plenty, three tops, from different companies or banks. That way you have a back up if one becomes unusable for any reason such as a computer failure on their end. It’s rare but does happen.

Just remember that this is you we are talking about. You matter. You come first. You decide the rules you are willing to play by and you decide which ones you will have nothing to do with. You are the consumer, you have the say. You live with the consequences either way.

This is Ed Nef with a view from the Farr West.

10 January 2010

Beware credit companies, the consumer is coming

You may have noticed an increase in credit and credit card offers lately. Don’t be drawn in. The rules are about to change and the increase in offers is an attempt to lock in the old rules on those willing to play by the old rules.

So what are the old rules vs. the new rules? I am not sure, but I do know this, they involve high fees and high rates with harsh penalties, new or old. Like so many things coming out of Congress these days in the way of financial regulation, the details somehow get lost in the delivery to the public. I do know that there are rules trying to reign in the current almost obscene method credit card companies are using to adjust rates and charge fees.

In fact if you have listened to Clark Howard, Suze Orman or Dave Ramsey you have probably heard at least one call from a listener telling their story of how the credit card company was changing the rules on them mid stream and wondering what they could do about it seeing how they had been a long time good customer with that company. If they do not have any free cash available to close out their account then most times the answer seems to be try to negotiate with the company or try to live with the new terms. (Wherever possible provide yourself some options.)

Trouble is many people have been living on the edge for so long that there is no room for new terms. All of their spending money is pre committed and they are stretched to pay the minimum balance on these credit cards as it is. Sad to say but many people had a very hard time making their new minimum payment the last time Congress got involved and raised the required minimum payment on outstanding balances as the Congress’ way of trying to help (by force) people to lower their debt levels.

The latest round of increased minimum payment is coming about because of changes in the interest rates charged to the card holders by the card companies. The higher the rate, the higher the interest charges and the higher the minimum payment based on that higher charge. These rate changes come about because of changing terms that made your fixed card now a variable card or even worse. Some card companies have added clauses that state if you are late or default not only on their account but that of anybody else’s account they will raise your rate to loan shark levels, and they are doing it.

“But I had an agreement with them” you say “they shouldn’t be able to change the rules mid stream.” They shouldn’t but they do and it comes in the form of a little tiny printed piece of paper that comes with your statement every so often. Do you take the time to read all of them all the way through? Buried in the legalize is the change and if you aren’t paying attention they have you because it usually comes with a phrase or two that indicates your options are two, either continue to use the card and by default accept the new terms, or notify us now and we will cancel your account and your bill is now due in full for the outstanding balance.

If you are able then my suggestion is to pay off the amount in full and close out the account. Let’s put the power of the consumer back in our pocket. There are still lots of competition for credit cards out there if the number of offers I get is any indication which means there are still many companies that should be competing for my business. I as the consumer have the power to pick and choose who has the best deal to meet my best interest. I get to decide which if any is right for me, and I will vote with my hard earned dollars who I will work with, even if that means none at all.

After the new rules go into effect we should begin to see a new set of offers from companies that are trying to decide how best to play the new game in town. If you can hold off till then I think you will be better off for it. When it comes, I think it will be in all of our best interest to take a close look at what the new offers are and compare them to what we have now and actively switch to a better provider if one is found. Credit Card Companies you have officially been put on notice. If you don’t treat me better, and with the respect I deserve then You Are Fired.

The new rules Congress is laying down should make it harder for the companies to change your rules mid stream like they are doing in abundance now, but to get the new rules to apply to you it sounds like you will need to create a new account where the new rules will apply. I hope that is not the case but if it is I see it as an opportunity for those willing to spend the time and effort to search out better and more trustworthy companies to work with in the future. I will share with you my ideals of standards for a credit card in a later entry.

This is Ed Nef with a view from the Farr West.

09 January 2010

Julie & Julia – Movie Review

First off let me state that this is a chick flick. I knew I was in trouble when the first thing you see after slipping the disc in the machine is 8 previews for upcoming chick flicks. My wife wanted to see it so I went ahead and brought it home (with another movie that we both could watch together).

Now I will qualify my review by stating that I didn’t watch it completely in real time, that is to say, I speed things up a bit. If you turn on the captions and do a little speed reading you can play the movie at the next higher speed and catch most of it in a greatly shortened time. You don’t always get the same dramatic effect because you are changing the pacing and the background music and some of the delivery of the dialogue but it is amazing what you do get. It is kind of like speed reading through a dime store novel that you just don’t have to hang on to every word.

I also need to state that I am not a fall over myself Meryl Streep fan. She is a very good actress and has portrayed some very strong roles but I have never become infatuated with her the way many critics have. That said she does a fine job of creating an affectionate and loveable Julia Child that melds well with the subject of the film, namely Julie Powell’s adventures with Child’s book and subsequent fascination with the author herself.

Amy Adams who portrays Julie Powell is a remarkable actress, one I am sure we well be seeing more of in the future. The range of her talent is the fact that we had just watched two movies back to back (the other being Night at the Museum 2 where she plays Amelia Earhart) and didn’t even realize it until the ending credits of the second movie.

The movie has its moments some of which you can really relate with the characters but I think that there was a lot of plot lines and story definition that was probably left on the cutting room floor. There were interjections of detail that I was unaware of concerning the character’s lives that added significance to the movie. There were also some self interpretations and philosophies added that seemed out of place and more of the director and writer’s fancy than actual events from real life. That of course is expected to some extent (literary license is the common phrase I believe) and therefore didn’t become too preachy as the film went along.

With all that said I give the film a solid 5 as it delivered pretty much as promised being well laid out and well presented. The story was captivating if not riveting and the characterizations were fairly entertaining. I am sure that women will find this vastly more entertaining than the men will but that is what chick flicks are about anyway. This one won’t have you rolling in the aisles but it won’t have you weeping in them either. By the way, they didn’t take the easy but cheesy Hollywood way out for the ending and I applaud them for that. You’ll know what I mean if you see it.

This is Ed Nef with a view from the Farr West.

Night at the Museum 2 – Movie Review

I finally got a copy of Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian to watch. If you watched the first one and liked it you will probably like this one as well. Just be aware that this one didn’t have quite the depth that the first one had. No synopsis here because you should already have some idea of what kind of movie it is and what it is about, more so if you’ve seen the first one, so really there is no need. There are some really good performances made by some of the cast and that makes this one worth watching.

Amy Adams as Amelia Earhart did a delightful job and was one of the characters that actually pulled of the period she was portraying with energy, spunk, and vigor. It helped to drive the show forward and added that memorable touch we love so well.

The multi talented Hank Azaria delivers yet again by working with the director to come up with just the right comedic touch of voice and character for Kahmunrah. Be sure to catch the extra “Phinding Pharaoh” to see a behind the scenes look at what might have been. By the way, Hank is also the voice for Abraham Lincoln and the Thinker.

Jonah Hill is surprisingly left off the credits as Brundon the Security Guard (thank you His scene with the main character Larry Daley is delightful. I honestly thought they were going to include him later in the movie as part of the plot but he only got the one scene. It was a keeper. If you have ever heard the phrase “United States of don’t touch that” and wondered where it came from, wonder no longer.

As I said before there wasn’t a lot of depth to this one, there could have been more cameos though the ones they had were pretty cool. Some of the cameos were pretty quick and short lived which was probably done deliberately to give those that like to watch a film over and over again to see what they missed something to look forward too. That is alright if there is enough reason to watch the film a second time. This one doesn’t.

But it is worth watching once, especially if you liked the first. Also a reason to look for the alternate ending in the extras. Overall I give it a 7 because even if it could have been better, I was still able to sit back and just enjoy and that is what these movies are all about.

This is Ed Nef with a view from the Farr West.

02 January 2010

New Vision - a follow up to ForteBuilder

This is a quick follow up to my look at ForteBuilder and Cyber Incomes Inc. and the MLM company they are associated with New Vision International. If you read the last entry you will remember that ForteBuilder and Cyber Incomes Inc. were merely a sponsor and recruiting system for the real company of New Vision International, even if they didn’t tell as much in all the computer generated e-mail traffic they sent me. In fact, I am not sure when in the process they would get around to telling me that since it seemed they were more interested in getting you on their roles and collecting their $19.95 a month fee for their assistance in your having a successful business. Since I couldn’t tell if that meant recruiting for you or just sending you more computer generated e-mail traffic telling you to do what they did I decided to forgo forming an alliance with them.

I did become interested in New Vision International however and decided to take a look. The Google search that lead me too their web site was really where I should have started looking in the first place. Here is where I found out information about the product, or should I say products. Where the best I could get out of ForteBuilder and Cyber Incomes was that the product was an Acai juice, the New Vision International web site showed that they did more. The main product seems more like diet systems that are centered on the use of Forte juice (the Acai juice spoken of), Mangosteen juice and OrganicGreens®. You can of course buy the stuff outside of the diet packages, as well as other vitamin and mineral supplement products.

Now the amazing thing is I could find out about the products content, size and price with very little effort on this web site. Well done. I was even able to find out that the company was founded in 1995 by the President and CEO BK Boreyko, is based in Scottsdale, Arizona, is family owned and operated, and is raking in many dollars for their efforts. In other words they appear to be a successful organization though since they are privately held I cannot see the financial statements that would tell the real amount of their profitability.

The web site goes on to tell BK Borelyko’s story of how he was living in Canada working in another unnamed MLM that went under that was the driving force behind starting the new company.

Now the really, really amazing thing about the web site is they are recruiting new members directly and explain all the things that didn’t seem to be too important to ForteBuilder Cyber people that were trying to recruit me. They even have a page or two (several in fact) dedicated to the Compensation Plan. Amazing, simply amazing.

Did I sign up immediately with my new found information, and did I sign up directly with the company figuring that if ForteBuilder and Cyber Incomes couldn’t even tell me what the product was how could I trust them to relay any relevant information on the MLM building side of things, and was I all jazzed up about starting another new venture into the world of nutrition?...Nah.

Although the product sounds good it is still $36.95 retail for a 32 ounce bottle with no extraordinary claims that go with it. There are really quite a lot of this types of products on the market today as I said before and many sell for as little as an eight the price. The member price is only $32.95 which is not a very big margin for a retail business meaning the real program is again a friends and family signup MLM kind of business.

So on the MLM side is it worth it? There is an annual fee to be a member is called a Content Management Fee and is a lot more reasonable at $5.95 but what does it do exactly, I am not sure, but they say it is to help them cover content cost and that it is not a franchise fee I am guessing there are legal issues there. There is an order form that had my number pre filled in; the same number issued to me by ForteBuilder/Cyber Inc., how convenient for them. There is also information on where you can and can’t sell the product, which seemed kind of limiting.

But what about the compensation plan? It is there, listed as well as short video synopsis staring the company president and CEO BK Borelyko. Does it make sense? Not to me. I am beginning to think it might just be me. I have run across a couple of these things now and there are many similarities but it is still in a completely new language, one that I am not yet familiar with. There are many different levels, up lines and down lines, team building, and more, some of which make some sense or at least there is something there enough for me to make assumptions on however they could be all wrong.

It is all the other talk that gets my head spinning. Talk of QV (qualifying volume) or CV (commissionable volume), dynamic levels, directors, and about a dozen bonuses that you may or may not qualify for depending on your group and QV/CV for a given volume period. You become one of these if this happens and you get this if that happens and you become one of those if two of them are under you which means…ugh stop already, my head is hurting. Not really, but come on. Why be upfront with as much as you have to this point only to lose me in this game called compensation plan. You even tell me not to get too concerned if I don’t understand it now because I will in time. Hooey. Hogwash.

I think it was Warren Buffet that said (and I am paraphrasing here) that if it can’t be explained simply on a paper napkin over lunch then it is too complicated and he would not invest in it. That might have kept him out of a lot of good high tech companies but it also kept him out of a lot of nonsense as well. There is no reason to make the rules of the game so hard to understand. On the other hand, those that get to know the rules and understand them are in a much better position to win that game and in the world of MLM that is why there is a small group of people in each company that win and win big. They understand the rules, play the right game and take home all the bonuses, the same bonuses that they brag about to get you interested in playing the game in the first place.

So until I understand the language (and I am beginning to think there are common threads throughout the MLM world) I will not understand the rules, and until I understand the rules I will not have much chance at winning the game, and until I have a reasonable chance at winning at the game I will not play that game but will instead look for another better game to play. One I can understand and one I have an honest shot at winning.

O.K. so I wasn’t very quick in my feedback, but doing your homework does take a little time and look at how much more I was exposed to MLM wise. I think I am a little wiser for the effort. I am a numbers guy and if I can’t see through the numbers or crunch them to the point they work then I know it is time to start looking elsewhere. After I had looked at the product and its pricing I knew this was not for me but I dug deeper and came away with a little better insight on the business side of things.

This is Ed Nef with a view from the Farr West.

01 January 2010

Happy New Year 2010

Happy New Year and thanks for all the cookies.

Well we just closed out another year and aren’t you glad we did? (Did you close it out…did you really?)

I have to admit right up front that I am not one of those guys that goes in for all those New Year’s Resolutions. I don’t believe in them and I don’t buy into it. It seems so phony and unproductive to get all hyped up and committed to something that will wash away before the month is over, some not lasting a whole week.

And what about the rest of the year? What if you have a really good idea for a resolution but you refuse to make it because you don’t want to waste it on a silly little month like July so you think you will save it until January 1 when all good resolutions are made. Yea makes sense to me.

That is why I am all for making resolutions for the betterment of self and mankind at whatever time of the year they appear because chances are that is the exact time when they are needed most. Of course this is the time of year when they are “expected” and the media likes to play into those generated expectations. That is why the front page story in our local paper covered the expectation that gyms will see an increase in activity this month. Well DUH. (I had almost given up on journalisms ability to state the overly obvious but once again they pulled through.)

Anyway, while I was relaxing this fine day and thinking about not much in particular it occurred to me that I wasn’t as tense as I normally am on a regular work day. I then realized that I hadn’t tuned into the news, I hadn’t been hanging out in my cubicle, I hadn’t driven anywhere involving insane traffic, and I hadn’t turned on any talk radio for background chatter. Mmm, do you suppose there is any correlation?

Now normally I don’t make resolutions on this day (you could almost say I am anti-resolution on this day), but I got to thinking that this is probably a good day to make a sort of commitment to myself in the form of a goal of awareness and action and to start it on this day as it is as good as any other.

I can’t shut out all the influences of day to day living, but I do need to offset them with counter balancing influences. I have an idea. For every minute I expose myself to the highly charged Medias of the day I need to expose myself to an equal minute of spiritually uplifting, self improving, or advancing educational moment of a worthwhile nature.

This sounded easy the first time I thought of it but as I further reflect, maybe half a minute would be better. Though really a half minute added up is still a lot of time compared to total minutes in a day and how many of them are already exposed to the harmful rays of radio and TV. I bet a ten minutes to one minute ratio would be enough to offset the stress inducing effects of today’s world. Of course if I forget and miss a day I’m sure I could catch up easier if it was a ten to one trade off. Besides that way I just need one chunk of good to offset all those chunks of bad which are scattered on and off throughout the whole day. Kind of like going to church, you only have to go one day out of seven to get all the spiritual benefit you need and even then it isn’t like you have to go for the whole day. Hey, wait a minute, isn’t going to church once a week enough to offset all that non spiritual junk I get exposed to the other six days of the week? Maybe I don’t need to have this resolution; oops sorry; awareness commitment after all.

Or do I? Do I really get enough in one short session, one day a week to feed me spiritually for the whole week? What happens if I start running low and need a booster shot, so to speak, do I just have to tough it out until the next scheduled session?

Of course not, and that is why I got myself going down this path to begin with. As the days get heavier with the amount of stuff I allow myself to be exposed to, I need to remind myself that I need to get a balancing dose of offsetting medicines to maintain a grounded balance of my own spiritual self. Like a good vitamin can supplement the body’s physical needs, a daily feeding of uplifting material can supplement the spiritual needs we have.

So what is the perfect ratio? I don’t know, but it is different for each and every person and everyone’s needs change constantly as time passes from moment to moment. I only want to be more aware of what that need is when it hits and spend more time giving it the attention it deserves. Not only would I like to be more aware of the what and when of my needs, but it would be nice to see the what and when of others needs as well and then be inspired enough to do something about it. I’m sure I would be much better off for it.

If you are the kind of person that likes to make resolutions then I wish you well in your endeavors. Write them down and make a real effort to have them make a difference for you. You are worth it. And if you wake up tomorrow or the next day or even sometime in July and realize that you forgot one, don’t sweat it, add it to the list and start right in on it. That way everyday can be a Happy New Year, even those in July.

This is Ed Nef with a view from the Farr West.