A wonderful little site that takes a look at a little bit of everything the world has to offer.
08 September 2016
Tsu I hardly knew ya
You might remember that I recommended a new site called Tsu some time ago. It is one of those sites that took me away from many other things. Sadly it is no more.
It made great promises of revenue sharing with those that contributed content which was a great concept and I imagine some actually made a few bucks as they testified to the fact on the site.
It was also a great way for me to experiment with a social networking site similar to Facebook but with the potential to reap some reward from your original content. I was certainly intrigued enough to go for it and made a few connections along the way.
A lot of the content became very similar to what others had and did and there was a whole lot of copy and paste and share from others and initially that was okay because that was a way to be introduced to others on the site. After awhile it was not invigorating enough but you could still happen on to some wonderful nuggets now and then.
It grew fast, fast enough that it scared Facebook into pulling any mention of it from their site for a time before they were pressured to put those mentions back. You could see new members come and make many post with much enthusiasm and attention. You could also see those new members fall to the way side as the promises of payout were not big enough soon enough to convince them to stay. But the model was valid and the promises were possible very much like network marketing.
But then they changed. (see the previous post and you will know what I am talking about)
They change the payout formula, they changed the way you could interact with others, and then they changed the whole web face and format so that your pages and your community took a back seat to the site itself. Tsu took center stage and was now only willing to share the spotlight with any outside of its controlled group. I am sure that was the beginning of the crash. A couple of months later and the web page became a letter saying thank you but we are done, pick up your belongings.
Not the first Web site to die, not the last. Regrets? Not really other than a good idea gone sour. I did learn from it and I did enjoy the ride even if I was not one that made it pay. Actually it did pay because as I said I did learn from it and I did enjoy the ride. Payment enough sometimes.
This is Ed Nef with a view from the Farrwest.
07 September 2016
Why I don't have bumper stickers on my car
When I was young I thought bumper stickers were cool. I would collect them from anyone handing them out. I wouldn't actually put them on the family car, Dad wouldn't allow that, and later I wouldn't put them on my car either.
You see, I learned at a young age that things change over time and not always for the better.
One of the easiest to get stickers was for the local radio stations, but guess what. That's right, the radio stations are the first ones to change. Not just ownership but format. My saddest day was when the hottest rock and roll station became a country western format. Ugh.
Radio stations always seem to be changing but not all. Some have found a formula that works and they stick with it just tweaking some minor things but staying true to the same old simple format. They will never be the latest fade or at the top of the listings but they are solid, dependable and somewhere near the top of the listings.
Restaurants also change and when they do it is seldom a good thing. 'Now under new management' the banner screams. You ask yourself why, did it need new management, what was wrong with the old one, what will new management do that the old one did not, is this going to be worth a try or should I wait a week and see if they are still open?
I like it if a business is making a change not just for the sake of making a change but because it is trying to do something better. If it isn't making it better, then don't bother. If the formula is right but it is no longer working then something has changed and not for the better. What is it about the formula that you are no longer doing right? If you have a solid group of type A customer then why on earth would you risk alienating them just to attract a faddish type B customer. Instead continue to serve your type A customer to the best of your ability and if you must, start a new business to try and serve the type B customer. That sounds more like win win to me.
But that doesn't happen, and businesses change, radio stations change, quality changes, service changes, very, very few things remain the same. So a recommendation you or I might give today may not be the same as one offered tomorrow. In fact you might do a complete 180. And bumper stickers are hard to remove. (I remember reading a bumper sticker once that said 'vote for Clinton' and in smaller print at the bottom it said 'easily removed with gasoline'.)
Do you wish you hadn't put a bumper sticker on your car? Leave a comment and share your favorite.
This is Ed Nef with a view from the Farrwest.
06 September 2016
Too many sites, or is one too many
Last time I talked about spreading yourself too thin by trying to make a presence in every site out there on the web. The other side of that is belonging to all the sites you possible can and then staying connected or current with all of them even if you are not a regular contributor.
I know some that have their phones constantly monitor their Twitter or Facebook account and are constantly checking it throughout the day to see what the latest is. I on the other hand have wondered how much of my Facebook post got removed between now and the last time I was in even if I set the sort by earliest and not relevance order. Lately it only lets me scroll so far and it still doesn't know me well enough to figure what is relevant to me.
And I think that the term relevance is the key. People will spend time where they find relevance or at least relevance for them. The other will get left behind. So even if a site has 800 million members, it is how many, how often, and for how long that matter and those are the numbers we don't get to see very much of.
Another interesting statistic I saw was for a celebrity that had over a million followers but didn't actually follow anyone. I won't name names (mostly because I can't, which tells you how truly famous they are/were) but that seems silly to me. A social media site is designed to be social which would indicate some form a social interaction between real live people. Anything else is a one way street that then places the responsibility on the provider to provide something of value even if it is merely entertainment.
If they can be entertaining then I can accept that. I would relish it in fact. I would settle for interesting, amusing, thought provoking, educational and informational. I have been exposed to quite a lot so my standards are getting pretty high. Well okay, not that high but with so much to choose from it is getting harder and harder to make my cut. And with my time being more and more limited I have to make cuts.
And so should you. If you find yourself missing out on things because you are too busy getting in on things that aren't really the kind of things that are your things but are someone else's things then you need to be cutting out a few things too.
If the choices are good, better, best, choose best every time.
This is Ed Nef with a view from the Farrwest.
05 September 2016
When do you get to it all
I talked about e-mails and keeping up with all the ones that find their way into my inbox, but what about all the other sites out there vying for your time. Of course there are selective blogs that must be written and read but what about Facebook, and LinkedIn and Twitter, and Snapchat, and Pinterest, and Instagram and all the other sites I don't even know about.
It seems that we have all been told (and especially those in business) that we need to have a presence in all of these sites all over the whole world wide web. I say WRONG.
The more I have learned about different sites a couple of things stand out. Some sites are better suited for some people, businesses, cultures, types etc. and some are not. Find the one that best matches your clan, with who they are and who you are and where they are and where you are and go with it. That is because of the second thing I have seen.
You will spread yourself too thing and not be able to be in all places at all times. I am sad to say I am a bad example of this. I wanted to learn about the other sites and so went on an expedition only to come back to base to find that no one had been keeping the place up. I was gone for many days, weeks, months between entries in my blog while I was off making entries elsewhere.
I am not the only one with this problem. Many businesses have tried to put there brand all over the web only to have the site one would go to have the last entry be months and sometimes years ago (outdated and no longer relevant). If they had multiple sites they might have tried to produce one entry and copy and paste it to all the others and it would leave me asking why bother with the others. Or, the business had grown beyond a solo player and so different teams would maintain different sites only to end up with a different persona at each of the different web sites. (Big corporate has a real problem with this even though they think they are just marketing differently to various niches. Maybe so but it feels more like sending mixed messages.)
So my word of advise for now is to produce our product and placed it where it belongs. If you produce a different product and it belongs in a different place then so be it. But don't spread yourself so thin that you can not support who and what you are with what you have.
This is Ed Nef with a view from the Farrwest.
04 September 2016
Just got caught up with checking my email...
...and boy are my eyes tired.
I had let things go a little. Actually a lot. It took between 3 and 4 hours to get caught up over the course of two nights. Why, I asked myself, and there must be a better way.
I like the thoughts Tim Ferriss has on how to handle e-mail in his book 'The Four Hour Work Week'. He mentions limiting the checking of e-mail to twice a day. Let others know so that they know not to expect an immediate response. That way he is not pulled away from whatever he is doing every time the little notification dings saying you have something new in your inbox. This can work well in some situations depending on your work, your interaction with others, and your scheduling. It can also work in matters other than e-mail.
Dividing work and personal though can create a whole different set of rules to work by.
It was my personal e-mail accounts that I had let slip to the point that many items had expired or were no longer valid while some of them were follow ups or should I say predecessors to later conversations. OOPS.
I have studied what others have done and I have some good habits of my own so I really need to focus or rather reapply those lessons I already have in hand. The rules for old postal physical e-mail can apply here.
1. Is it junk? Toss it. -- Most e-mail programs have pretty good spam filters but some still slips through. It is a good first line of defense though and we should rely on it more. I still look at the junk folder just to make sure nothing good was sorted there by mistake. It very seldom is. I could probably just delete it blindly and be none the worse for wear but I still look. Maybe I will quit that habit and just clear the bin.
For those things that make it through, if it is junk and you can tell right away then toss it. We have all seen more than our share of junk in our lifetimes. It is not that hard to identify. 'But maybe this one is different' I say to myself. Wrong. It is junk. Do not get a case of invalid curiosity. Do not get attached. Do not place value on it that isn't there. Just let it go, quickly, quietly, efficiently.
This also goes for all those little e-mails from companies we have signed up for with the hope of having an honest to goodness too good to pass up one time offer that really qualifies for a bargain. I get a lot of these and to be honest with myself it is just so much wishful thinking. If over the past year I have not received an offer that had me act on it or at least wish I could have at the time, then they are no longer worthy to send me e-mail and it is time to unsubscribe. You are junk to me now.
2. Does it require action now? -- Yes. All interruptions require action now, if not, they would have waited until they were not an interruption. Question is, does the action required need to be done now or can it be done later? How much time will it take, how important is it, how does it align with my priorities; the continual weighing of effort and importance.
If you have taken any time management courses there is always someway of ranking work and personal effort. Whether categories of A, B, C or four quadrants of important, unimportant, urgent, and un-urgent, or some variation, it comes down to what you want, but you must decide.
2a. In a work situation that requires you to be available real time, then my suggestion is to quickly decide if this is something I must respond to now (like a note from a boss) then by all means respond now. If the priority exceeds what you are working on at the present time then your workload has effectively been re-prioritized and you need to respond now. Otherwise, add it to your to do list in properly prioritized order and get back to what you where doing. Work your list in most important to least and as long as there is not a specific deadline for it's accomplishment or if it is further out than today, then first priorities first.
2b. For personal situations I will do it differently. Since I am at my designated time for checking e-mail I will sometimes use available time and effort required as the first priority. Since I have already delayed checking my inbox until I was ready to deal with it then my priority at the moment is working the inbox. If an e-mail takes very little time to view and if needed respond then that is what I will do. As quickly as possible read the offer, notice the event announcement, take note of the news, and move one. If it is an e-mail from someone I know, I will take the time to view and respond as required. If the e-mail looks like it will take a longer amount of time to read, or act upon then I will decide if it is something that interest me enough to want to take the time (I because I have such a curiosity factor at play it usually always does) to delve into the e-mail, but if I just don't have the time to devote to it now then I will set it aside for later and use other time when available to spend on these items.
That is pretty much it. My problem arouse from when twice a day became twice a month because it had been a very busy month. Then it becomes a catch up problem instead of a keep up problem.
As my Dad used to tell me, 'If you would just do some yard work 30 minutes at a time a couple of times a week your yard wouldn't look like that'. Also I wouldn't hate yard work so much because I wouldn't get stuck spending an entire day off just trying to keep the city from giving me a ticket. Some cities are just like that.
But the same principle applies. If I spend a little time every so often and not letting it become a big catch up project, then taking care of business is not an issue. It is probably a good thing I don't get a lot of comments on this blog. I could take way too long to respond and you would think I didn't care when in reality I was just off checking my e-mail.
This is Ed Nef with a view from the Farrwest.
I had let things go a little. Actually a lot. It took between 3 and 4 hours to get caught up over the course of two nights. Why, I asked myself, and there must be a better way.
I like the thoughts Tim Ferriss has on how to handle e-mail in his book 'The Four Hour Work Week'. He mentions limiting the checking of e-mail to twice a day. Let others know so that they know not to expect an immediate response. That way he is not pulled away from whatever he is doing every time the little notification dings saying you have something new in your inbox. This can work well in some situations depending on your work, your interaction with others, and your scheduling. It can also work in matters other than e-mail.
Dividing work and personal though can create a whole different set of rules to work by.
It was my personal e-mail accounts that I had let slip to the point that many items had expired or were no longer valid while some of them were follow ups or should I say predecessors to later conversations. OOPS.
I have studied what others have done and I have some good habits of my own so I really need to focus or rather reapply those lessons I already have in hand. The rules for old postal physical e-mail can apply here.
1. Is it junk? Toss it. -- Most e-mail programs have pretty good spam filters but some still slips through. It is a good first line of defense though and we should rely on it more. I still look at the junk folder just to make sure nothing good was sorted there by mistake. It very seldom is. I could probably just delete it blindly and be none the worse for wear but I still look. Maybe I will quit that habit and just clear the bin.
For those things that make it through, if it is junk and you can tell right away then toss it. We have all seen more than our share of junk in our lifetimes. It is not that hard to identify. 'But maybe this one is different' I say to myself. Wrong. It is junk. Do not get a case of invalid curiosity. Do not get attached. Do not place value on it that isn't there. Just let it go, quickly, quietly, efficiently.
This also goes for all those little e-mails from companies we have signed up for with the hope of having an honest to goodness too good to pass up one time offer that really qualifies for a bargain. I get a lot of these and to be honest with myself it is just so much wishful thinking. If over the past year I have not received an offer that had me act on it or at least wish I could have at the time, then they are no longer worthy to send me e-mail and it is time to unsubscribe. You are junk to me now.
2. Does it require action now? -- Yes. All interruptions require action now, if not, they would have waited until they were not an interruption. Question is, does the action required need to be done now or can it be done later? How much time will it take, how important is it, how does it align with my priorities; the continual weighing of effort and importance.
If you have taken any time management courses there is always someway of ranking work and personal effort. Whether categories of A, B, C or four quadrants of important, unimportant, urgent, and un-urgent, or some variation, it comes down to what you want, but you must decide.
2a. In a work situation that requires you to be available real time, then my suggestion is to quickly decide if this is something I must respond to now (like a note from a boss) then by all means respond now. If the priority exceeds what you are working on at the present time then your workload has effectively been re-prioritized and you need to respond now. Otherwise, add it to your to do list in properly prioritized order and get back to what you where doing. Work your list in most important to least and as long as there is not a specific deadline for it's accomplishment or if it is further out than today, then first priorities first.
2b. For personal situations I will do it differently. Since I am at my designated time for checking e-mail I will sometimes use available time and effort required as the first priority. Since I have already delayed checking my inbox until I was ready to deal with it then my priority at the moment is working the inbox. If an e-mail takes very little time to view and if needed respond then that is what I will do. As quickly as possible read the offer, notice the event announcement, take note of the news, and move one. If it is an e-mail from someone I know, I will take the time to view and respond as required. If the e-mail looks like it will take a longer amount of time to read, or act upon then I will decide if it is something that interest me enough to want to take the time (I because I have such a curiosity factor at play it usually always does) to delve into the e-mail, but if I just don't have the time to devote to it now then I will set it aside for later and use other time when available to spend on these items.
That is pretty much it. My problem arouse from when twice a day became twice a month because it had been a very busy month. Then it becomes a catch up problem instead of a keep up problem.
As my Dad used to tell me, 'If you would just do some yard work 30 minutes at a time a couple of times a week your yard wouldn't look like that'. Also I wouldn't hate yard work so much because I wouldn't get stuck spending an entire day off just trying to keep the city from giving me a ticket. Some cities are just like that.
But the same principle applies. If I spend a little time every so often and not letting it become a big catch up project, then taking care of business is not an issue. It is probably a good thing I don't get a lot of comments on this blog. I could take way too long to respond and you would think I didn't care when in reality I was just off checking my e-mail.
This is Ed Nef with a view from the Farrwest.
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