
20 October 2016

Is it just me or is there way too many people speaking Valley talk on TV?

It seems like I am hearing more and more people on TV talking like Valley girls with all the included timing, syllable emphasis and accents that were so noticeable decades ago.  It is so like gag me with a spoon.

It might not be the over the top annoying chatter teens used to use and others made fun of but it is still present albeit in a lighter version.  I still find it annoying. I also still do a fair version of it when I want to make fun of something.

I hope I haven't spoiled your favorite TV show because you will now be looking for it or at least subconsciously noticing it around you.  From HGTV to CBS it rears it's ugly head and after an involuntary cringe I reach for the remote, because I can't take it in large doses, fur sure.

Maybe its just a fad.  I sure hope so.  This is Ed Nef with a view from the Farrwest.

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