
07 March 2008

Time to end Daylight Savings Time

It is time to do away with Daylight Savings Time. In fact, there is never a bad time to do away with a bad idea. DST may have had a purpose when it was first introduced but it has no relevance at this point in time. I still think that the world is filled with grown ups that are perfectly able to make big and little decisions on their own. If one person wants to get up early and go to bed early and another wants to get up late and stay up late, why should the rest of the world interfere, and more importantly why should the rest of the world adjust what it is doing to accommodate.

One person can not make the stand alone. If you are going to meet someone, somewhere, at sometime you must be able to agree on all three things for it to happen. If your nine o’clock is another’s 10 o’clock it just will not work. In other words, other people have to play the same game or we all end up playing alone.

Some people have gotten together to play the same game and say no more to the DST. Arizona for example does not bother with this silliness. Way to go Arizona. There are others out there that haven’t folded to the pressure of joining the crowd in a dumb idea so why can’t the rest of us come to our senses?

You can’t control the Sun, you can’t control the rotation of the Earth. Why pretend that you we are trying to control anything other than people that use clocks? This is nothing more than a pain that messes up our sleep twice a year. Let’s bring it to an end while there is still time.

This is Ed Nef with a view from the Farr West.

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